11. Half past the Edge

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"You're going to the Halloween party?" Genny asks, remembering what his old friend told him last week about an event the school organizes.

"Yeah, and I heard that the teachers leave after an hour so there will be alcohol."
Genny grimaces at that idea. Last time he got drunk things didn't went well and he will certainly not do it again.

"What's your costume?" Blue asks as the two sit at the lunch table.

Genny shrugs. He hasn't thought about it. He isn't even sure if he's going. Being with both Cameron and Andy in the same room for one night is not something on Genny's to-do list.

"We could be minions." Blue states and Genny shoots him a weird look. Minions?

"Ok then...um...angels."

Genny shoots him another weird look. Genny would see Blue dressed as a cute angel, but not himself. He's not that feminine.

"But I kinda wanna be a princess." Blue continues, dreamily looking into the distance.

"I think you should do princess."

"And you?"


"Ew no."

Genny shrugs, disappointed.

"You should do angel."

"I'm not pretty like you. I'll just look pathetic."

Blue almost slaps Genny when he hears the words 'not pretty'.

"I'll convince you. Just wait and see."

Genny smiles, knowing that won't happen.

Suddenly, the once silent cafeteria turns loud, multiple phones ringing, people starting to shout, talk, some even laugh. Plenty of people run out of the room in a hurry.

Genny and Blue look at each other confused. As a student passes their table, Blue stops her to ask.

"What's going on?" He voices a bit louder so the girl can hear over all the chaos in the cafeteria.

"A guy is on the rooftop ready to jump and kill himself." She announces and then puts a hand on her chin, thinking of something. "That guy that is friends with Josh. Andreas is his name or something."

Genny's eyes widen as Blue looks at him shocked. The two stand up panicked. Genny grabs his backpack and hurries out of the room.

He's not thinking about what happened, or what Andy said, he just needs to get there.

And by there he doesn't mean in the school yard where everybody is gathered to see the rooftop and what will happen. By there he means he needs to get on the actual rooftop.

Blue follows him, the two trying to figure out where the stairs to the highest part of the school are. They ask around, hurrying as good as possible, hoping they won't arrive too late.

No one deserves to die, and if Genny can stop that he will do it no matter who that person is or what they did to him.

After finally figuring out where the stairs are, the two climb them in big steps until they reach a metal door.

"You should go downstairs." Genny whimpers while he tries opening the door but it won't budge. Blue looks at him confused.

"If the police don't come on time, you can get people to make some kind of net. GO!" He shouts. Blue looks at him worriedly, and then hurries down the stairs to do what Genny said.

With one final push the door opens and Genny stumbles forward, the cold air hitting his face and blowing his hair away.

After getting himself on his feet and noticing the surroundings, Genny's eyes land on a figure a few meters in front of him, standing on the edge of the rooftop.

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