2. Back seats

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Genny's hands are sweaty inside his pockets although the weather of autumn is chilly and actually enjoyable

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Genny's hands are sweaty inside his pockets although the weather of autumn is chilly and actually enjoyable. His bottom lip is resting between his teeth and his mind is working to accept that this is the first day in an unknown place.

Besides the short Google searches of this school and going through the gallery of photos, Genny knows nothing about this place and that is the scariest thing out of them all.

Worry is clouding his judgement but as much as the brunette boy likes worrying before anything bad actually happens he doesn't have time for that right now. It's a ten minute interval before the first period starts and finding the room the class is held in is going to take some time and besides that he has to find his locker and retrieve his textbooks.

In his brain he calculated how he will divide those ten minutes before he even got out of the bus and he came to the conclusion that if he doesn't hurry he will be late to his first class -which is a bad first impression.

Genny loses no time and speeds up to enter the building colored in red and yellow, the school colors.

The two big doors open and he continues to advance through the school hall, keeping his head down. Being a 11th grader makes things a little bit easier for him although he still looks like a 14-year-old teenager with chubby, freckled cheeks and big brown eyes. His height doesn't help at all, he's not even average height. He's 5'2, a midget -that's how he likes to call himself.

Despite the stereotype of shorties being cute and petite, he is not -his jeans are tight around his stomach, trying to hide the bit of weight his stomach and hips hold.

He though that the black jeans and hoodie with a neat shirt underneath would cover his imperfect body but as he's walking down the hall and people start to stare at him, he doubts his choice of clothing.

He tries to ignore the eyes burning holes at the back of his head and continues the walk to the principals office, hoping that no one will bully him but his hopes are crashed when a guy with a football jacket 'accidentally' pushes him.

Genny stumbles but luckily doesn't fall.

"Watch where you're going, nerd." He growls at the boy who's now frowning and walking away form the guy to avoid other inconveniences with him.

Genny makes his way through the mass of students and observes them.

Some juniors and seniors are trying to flirt with the new freshman or bully them. Typical. Just jerks that don't care about anything else besides alcohol, drugs, sex and parties. In one word: teenagers.

Genny's hate for this place and this people is starting to come to surface when a group of boys with smug faces walk to a freshman with dirty blonde hair, maybe to make fun of him because he's wearing a baby blue skirt and a white t-shirt.

They push the boy who is much smaller than them into the lockers behind him and Genny tightens his fist. Yes, Genny is very shy and a nerd but when he sees these jerks making fun of people that are weaker than them and people that can't stand up for themselves he gets really angry.

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