21: i keep my promises

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And that was their routine. 

They would drive for hours at a time, stopping at random fancy hotels, leaving Y/N behind in the hotel to fend for herself, then when Hawks finally came back...

Nothing was as bad as the first night, he had gotten better each time. There was something about acting like a villain on missions that shook him to his very core, and it was extremely apparent to Dabi and Y/N.

He would come back to the hotel room and she would take care of him. It was small gestures, making sure he ate, handing him warm clothes, and then making sure he fell asleep.

There was a nightmare once, which made Hawks in his sleep grab onto Y/N for dear life and she just gently lulled him back to sleep. Dabi had walked into the main room to get water when this happened and teased her mercilessly the next morning.

But Y/N wasn't dumb, she saw the worry in his blue eyes as Hawks shifted in his sleep, crying out in pain.

They had been on this mission for a little over two weeks now, and since Y/N's quirk was effective over the phone, she did help on missions here and there from the safety of the hotel. She didn't know much, but whatever that Dabi and Hawks were getting up to was dangerous.

Y/N had been sleeping for a few hours when the door to the hotel was kicked open and Hawks and Dabi rushed inside. Hawks grabbed Y/N's arm and practically dragged her out of bed.

"What the fuck--Keigo?" Y/N asked, her eyes still blurry with sleep. She didn't ask what was going on, thinking that if both of them were moving with such a speed, they would update her later. Y/N grabbed her belongings from the bathroom as Hawks threw his hero jacket at her.

"Put that on, we don't have time to change," Hawks said, grabbing her hands and dragging her out the door, Dabi on their tail. Y/N held her bag close to her as they rushed down the stairs rather than taking the elevator.

Just as they burst out the door to the ground floor, there were close to ten men waiting for them.

Hawks roughly pushed Y/N behind him and Dabi stepped in front of her in a protective manner.

"Did you think you were going to get through that easily, pro hero Hawks?" A particularly terrifying man stepped forward. "You really thought you would be able to get into the gala?"

"Well, I certainly had my hopes up," Hawks replied bashfully, making sure to keep Y/N out of his line of sight. "We can talk about this, Collector."

Oh shit, that's the big bad guy. Y/N realized and the more she looked at him the more she could see that he was a villain. There was a large scar running diagonally across his eye socket, making the eye a milky white. His huge arms were covered in tattoos from what Y/N could see.

"I don't think so, Hawks." The Collector sighed. "Now, my men are going to kill you and bring your girl to me. I think she'll do wonderfully in my collection."

"I'm warning all of you now; if you touch a single finger on this girl's head, I will kill you," Hawks grit his teeth, taking two long feathers from his wings and getting into a fighting stance. 

Panic nestled deep into Y/N's chest and she felt like she couldn't breathe.

"We'll see about that," The Collector jerked his head toward the three of them and the men charged.

"Y/N, run!" Hawks yelled over his shoulder and Y/N did not hesitate to book it as far away from them as possible.

When the number two hero tells you to run, you fucking run.

 Over her shoulder, she saw a huge inferno of blue flames, but she just kept going. The city street lamps were the only thing lighting her pathway as she sprinted full speed down the road.

There was one man who chased her, but Y/N was quicker as she scaled the fire escape of a building in construction. Once she got to the roof, Y/N saw the man was also climbing up the ladder.

She looked around for a weapon and found a stack of lead pipes on the rooftop along with bricks and cinderblocks.

Y/N took a cinder block and ran to the edge where the man was still climbing the ladder. her pursuer looked up at her with a slightly panicked look on his face.

"You're not gonna drop that on me, are you?" he asked and Y/N grimaced slightly.

"I mean, are you going to make me?" She called down to him and he shrugged. 

"I'm just trying to do my job, miss."

"I'm trying not to get abducted." Y/N dropped the cinder block and the man yelled angrily as he just barely missed it. He glared up at her and her eyes widened. "Oh, fuck me."

Y/N sprinted away from the edge and cursed.

She wouldn't have time to bring another cinder bock to the edge before he got up the ladder and she couldn't fight the man in hand-to-hand combat... her only choice was to outrun him and then maybe she could get the jump on him.

Y/N looked to the other rooftop that was a few feet shorter and a huge jump away. She grabbed one of the lead pipes and started sprinting to the edge of the building.

"FuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckFUCK--" Y/N hurled herself off the roof's edge at full speed, soaring through the air and landing on the rooftop below. She tucked her legs in and rolled.

Y/N made a note to call her mother to thank her for making Y/N take all those gymnastic lessons from ages 4 to 18.

Her legs and thighs were cut up due to her only wearing combat boots, her boyshorts underwear, a large white tee, and Hawks' thick hero costume jacket but she could keep running.

Y/N didn't hesitate to get to her feet and jump to the next rooftop, and to the next, and to the next. Her lungs were burning, her legs were unbelievably sore with blood trickling down them from skidding on the rooftops.

When Y/N looked back, the man was also making the same jumps. He was doing it at a slower speed but wasn't taking nearly as much damage as Y/N.

She was breathing heavily before she jumped from a rooftop to a fire escape on the opposite building. She knew she had to keep the high ground so Hawks could find her easier, so she would need to keep scaling these buildings to stay away.

It was when Y/N reached the end of jumpable rooftops that fear gripped her chest. There was no way to get to the ground--

The feather that Y/N wore around her neck rose and tugged her body toward the ledge of the roof.

"Hawks, I can't run anymore--" The feather yanked around her neck as the man reached the top of the fire escape and ran at her with full force with rage in his eyes. "Oh, jesus--!"

Y/N flung herself off the extremely tall building into the air, plunging down, feeling her stomach drop.

Y/N squeezed her eyes shut when--

She felt a body collide with hers and when she opened her eyes, she was in Hawks' arms. Y/N face crumpled and tears welled in her eyes.

"I got you, kid. I got you," He mumbled into her hair as they landed on the ground, Y/N in complete hysterics, clinging onto Hawks' arms. "Hey, I told you I would catch you if you fell, right? I keep my promises."

a/n: whoa, this chapter is fucking long jfc. i hope your day was well!! thank you for reading this chapter and drink lots of water! please vote & comment, it helps me out a ton & i love seeing your reactions to things :)

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