25: am i making myself clear?

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"So, just tell me when you're going to fuck so I can have enough time to find headphones to blast some music or something," Toya commented as Hawks walked into the kitchen.

"I--What?" Hawks looked at his best friend as he took a drink from his hand and sniffed it. "Have you been drinking?"

"Hell yeah, I've been drinking. What are you, Mother Teresa?" Toya snapped, snatching back his drink. "Listen, Y/N is a good girl. Probably better than you deserve."

"Yeah, I know that, what's your point?" Hawks glared, getting bottled water from the fridge.

"Somehow she's dumb enough to want you just as much as you want her." Toya threw back the rest of his drink. "And she's not that fucking whore you were with, Allison."

"You just love bringing her up, don't you, Toya?" 

"Well, I don't but sometimes I have to and smack some fucking sense into you. Not every woman on the face of the planet is Allison." Toya poured himself yet another drink, adding more alcohol than the chaser. "So stop acting like it."

"You saw what happened tonight. I can't just..be who I want to be with." Hawks ran his hands through his hair. "Every time I try it up goes up in flames, no pun intended, and I can't do it anymore."

"First of all," Toya pointed at him with a single finger. "I know that pun is intended, so fuck you. Second, I did see what happened tonight. I saw a badass civilian not hesitating to jump off a building and dropped a fucking cinderblock on a man's head. Stop looking at her like she's a victim."

Hawks hastily put on his hero coat. "I have to go into town to set off the distress signal, can you not burn down the house while I'm gone?"

"No promises," Toya replied while lazily leaning on the counter. "But I meant what I said, Keigo."

Hawks stopped at the front door at the sound of his name, his hand hovering over the doorknob and his back turned to Toya.

"You're the hero. Aren't you supposed to get the girl in the end or some shit like that?"

"That's what they say," Hawks opened the door and walked out into the snow.

Toya sighed, watching his friend trudge out in the snow like the stubborn idiot that he is. No matter how much Toya said he hated the winged man, he was the closest friend that Toya had. 

For a hero, he could be really self-destructing.


Hawks finally got into town and went to the first payphone to set off the distress signal so that the heroes knew what safehouse they were staying at.

Hawks knew immediately he was being followed after that. He walked through the shops in the town, grabbed himself a coffee, and even went into the town's small library but he was still being followed.

Hawks waited around a corner and--

When the man came around, Hawks grabbed him by the collar and slammed him up against a bookshelf.

"Who the fuck are you? What do you want?" The hero snapped at first, but then his eyes widened as he realized who was in front of him. "Alex?"


"Yo, fuckface, you up?" Dabi poked Y/N's side harshly.

Y/N snapped awake, glaring up at Dabi. "What in the fuck is wrong with you?"

"A lot of things," Dabi replied. "Look, we need to talk."

"Talk about what?" Y/N sat up, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. "Where's Keigo? Is he okay?"

"Yeah, he's just fucking stupid. Why aren't you together?" Dabi asked casually, towering over the bed Y/N was laying on.


"Y/N, you may be an idiot but you're not stupid. Tell me why you and Big Bird aren't together." Dabi crossed his arms. "And if you say some bullshit like 'oh, he doesn't like me' or 'we're just friends, Dabi', I'm going to burn this place to the ground."

"He told you how we met, right?" Y/N asked incredulously.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, you were crying on a rooftop because some boy you liked was marrying another bitch. This happens all the time." Dabi rolled his wrist while turning his eyes heavenward. "Yada, yada, yada."

"I didn't like him Dabi, I was in love with Alex for most of my life."

"Oh my fu--Y/N, I'm going to say this to you because no one else will, you are the dumbest motherfucker I have ever had the displeasure of interacting with for more than thirty seconds." Dabi pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration.

"You literally woke me up just to insult me, didn't you?"

"Here's my advice, sweetheart, get the fuck over yourself. That shitbag didn't want you." Dabi said firmly. "He made that very clear when he married someone else, but now you have someone who does want you."

"Keigo...wants me?" Y/N asked, mostly to herself but Dabi yelled in frustration.

"YES, YOU DENSE MOTHERFUCKER, HE WANTS YOU!" Dabi yelled, his arms setting ablaze for a few seconds before he took a deep breath.

"Now, bird shit will probably come back when you are asleep and he won't wake you up because he's a gentleman. Tomorrow morning, I will go out for a day on the town for probably closer to five hours."

"Why are you telling me this?"

"Because you two have better fuck when I am gone because I will not live in this house with you and your thick fucking sexual tension." Dabi snapped. "Am I making myself clear, Y/N?"

"I-uh, yeah. Yeah, I guess so."

a/n: hey friends! sorry for not uploading yesterday, i fell asleep at my keyboard while writing this lmao. i'll be uploading a few chapters tomorrow to catch up :) 

also, this book only has a few more chapters left before it ends! there's going to be a smut chapter, some angst, some fluff...i'm very excited!

i'll talk to you guys tomorrow, thank you so much for reading!! don't forget to vote & comment!

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