6: we're in this together

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Y/N and Hawks left the dance floor to go eat from the buffet, piling up food on their plates while laughing

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Y/N and Hawks left the dance floor to go eat from the buffet, piling up food on their plates while laughing. 

"There's a balcony, if you wanted to eat there," Y/N suggested as they started to walk out to their table again.

"You're just trying to get me alone so you can seduce me, huh?" Hawks winked cheekily and Y/N blushed while rolling her eyes.

"Whatever you wanna hear, birdbrains."

"You know, that could technically be a racist slur to me, kid. I would tread lightly," Hawks lead Y/n to the balcony on the floor above the ballroom. It was over-looking the venue's garden which was decorated in fairy lights that shone like stars.

They sat on the stone bench, their shoulders pressing into each other as they ate. 

"I can't thank you enough for everything you've done for me tonight, Keigo." Y/N smiled softly at the hero next to her. "Genuinely. If there's anything I can do, just let me know."

Hawks looked at her curiously, tilting his head. "What's your quirk?"

"I can make people tell the truth with any question." Y/N shrugged. "Nothing too useful."

"Nothing too useful?!" Hawks exclaimed, turning his body so he was facing her more. "That's an insanely powerful quirk."

Y/N blushed while shrugged again and picking at her food with her fork.

"Try it on me."


"Your quirk. Try it on me." Hawks set down their plates so they could face each other completely. In this light, Y/N looked absolutely perfect. The warm lighting was soft, making her eyes shine and skin glow heavenly.

She shot him a smug smirk before leaning in so their faces were closer. "What's your deepest sexual desire that you haven't told a single soul?"

"I wanna get pegged." He blurted then blushed a deep red and his burning amber eyes widened.

Y/N screeched in laughter and holding her stomach while almost falling off the bench.

"Holy fuck, I just told you that." Hawks was still blushing as Y/N felt like her sides were going to split open. "That is one hell of a quirk."

Y/N had managed to contain her laughter into small fits of giggles. "The number two hero wants to get railed, huh?"

"We all do sometimes," Hawks shrugged it off, but he was smiling widely. "Okay, now you have to tell me a secret of yours."

"Hell no."

"It's only fair!"

"You asked me to use my quirk on you! I don't owe you shit, birdbrains!" Y/N scoffed, pushing Hawk's shoulder slightly.

"I mean... you kinda owe me," Hawks smirked at her. "For like the rest of your life."

"Ugh!" Y/N groaned, realizing he was right. Hawks' face lit up and he rubbed his hands together evilly. "Okay, um...once I drew on the wall with a marker and blamed it on my sister so she took the fall."

Hawks' face dropped and he groaned loudly. "Oh, come on! That's not a secret!"

"I've never told a soul that," She argued back.

"Bull-fucking-shit. Tell me a real secret."

Y/n hummed thoughtfully. She cringed at the very thought that popped into her head and Hawks chuckled evilly. "You cannot utter a single word of this to anyone, Keigo, you understand me?"

"Oh, I'm excited about this one."

"You have to promise me!" Y/N smacked his shoulder and he gave her a look.

"Kid, who am I gonna tell?"

"You're literally famous."

"That's a good point. Okay, I promise, I will not speak another word about what you're going to tell me." Hawks crossed his heart and raised his right hand. "Scouts honor, kid."

"Alright," she sighed heavily. "I've slept with Endeavor before."


"And it was terrible."

"WHAT?!" Hawks yelled while jumping up from his seat, jaw slack but there was a shocked smile on his face.

"Ugh, I knew I shouldn't have told you!"

"He was bad?! " Hawks asked breathily, almost looking crushed. "You mean the number one hero is bad at sex?"

"Absoultely fucking terrible, Keigo. I mean, no foreplay, drunken thrusts, no orgasm." Y/N lifted a shoulder. "Well, I didn't, at least. He did."

"Holy fucking shit, I'm going to throw up," Hawks wheezed out, leaning his hands against teh balcony. "I'll never look at him the same. You've ruined my respect for my boss."

"Oh, come on, you drama queen." Y/N laughed, standing up as well, going to a very distressed looking Hawks.

"I mean, not pleasuring a beautiful woman like you? That's practically villain work," Hawks replied, looking out over the garden. "My idol is a villain."

Y/N blushed profusely and Hawks lazily looked over at her, a grin on his face. "Don't look at me like that."

"What, like you're ta beautiful woman who deserves to be pleasured?" Hawks' voice lowered as he shifted his body to be closer to Y/N's.

"Who knew the number two hero was such a pig?" Y/N teased, trying to keep her blush under control.

"And between me and you, kid," Hawks placed a fingers under her chin and tilting it up slightly. "The love of your life will never love another. This Alex guy is just a speck on your radar for you to wipe away."

Y/N hadn't expected him to be so serious. "It sounds to me like that Allison person is just a speck too. I don't know much, but Isobel didn't seem to like her much."

Hawks let out a pained laugh, his hand dropping from her chin. "Maybe I should take my own advice."

"What happened? If you don't mind my asking, that is," Y/N said quickly, not wanting to upset him.

He waved her off, trying to cover his pain with his regular playful manner. "I wasn't there a lot because of the job. I wasn't a very good boyfriend and I wasn't there for her when she needed me, you know?"

Y/N placed a sympathetic hand on his forearm. "I'm sorry, Keigo. At least she didn't lead you on, I suppose?"

"Hm?" Hawks casted a glance at her. "Oh no, she cheated on me."


"Well, kid, I wasn't there. Alli...she had needs and I was too busy with my hero work." Hawks turned his eyes to the gardens again. "I should've done better by her, but my work meant too much to me."

"Keigo, that doesn't make it right." Y/N furrowed her brows and looked over at the garden as well. "Well, if there's anything we have in common, it's shitty exes."

"I suppose we're in this together, then." 

a/n: thanks for reading!! i laughed really heard while writing this bit... comment and tell me what you thought! don't forget to vote :)

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