24: everyone wins

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Y/N and Hawks were sharing a bedroom, which made Dabi wink slyly at Y/N. She flipped him off over Hawks' shoulder as he carried her to the bedroom.

He gently set her on the bed and made sure Y/N was comfortable before he inspected her ankle. "Well, it's not broken."

"That's good," she mused, falling back on the pillows. "We're fucked if I have to run again. I'm dead weight at this point."

"Hey, hey, don't think like that." Hawks shook his head with his brows furrowed. "We're safe here, I'll give you the rundown of all the secure areas tomorrow."

He got up and started rumaging around in the bedside drawers.

"Besides, you wouldn't be in this situation if it weren't for me. If we're blaming anyone here, it'll be me," Hawks finally found whatever he was looking for and when he held it up, Y/N saw it was a first aid kit. 

"Can we skip the part where we both blame ourselves for the mess we're in and just focus on the present?" Y/N asked, raising a brow at the hero. "There was a lot that came out of, and a lot of it was good."

"Care to enlighten me, kid?"

"Dabi got outted a rat, so he won't be a villain anymore," Y/N pointed out. "You won't have to cover for him at your agency."

Hawks started to wrap an Ace bandage around her ankle and foot so she could put weight on it. "Toya wouldn't think of that as much of a win."

"Yeah, well, we do. Who gives a fuck about what he thinks?" Y/N joked and Hawks chuckled lightly. "And you said that you got enough information to take down The Collector at the gala, right?"


"Right, so everyone wins." Y/N concluded as Hawks took off the bandages on her legs to he could put more ointment on her cuts and skid marks.

"What's in it for you?" Hawks asked her curiously. "How did you win?"

I was there with you. That's all that I needed.

"Uh," Y/N cleared her throat, trying to find an answer that didn't sound like a confession. "I finally got to put my fourteen years worth of gymnastics to the test while running from a villain! My mother's money wasn't wasted!"

Hawks looked at her for a moment. "That is the shittiest win I've ever heard of."

"I'm sorry, did you see me --a civilian-- jump from rooftop to rooftop like a fucking badass?" Y/N replied sassily. "I dropped a cinder block on a man's head. How many people do you know that have done that?"

"A lot. Mostly murders."

"Okay, well, I didn't kill him," Y/N crossed her arms over her chest and rolled her eyes. "I just made him mad."

"Which, objectively, is worse." Hawks sighed, his fingers lightly running down her legs looking for more damage that he could tend to. Even though the gesture wasn't at all meant to be interpreted in an intimate fashion, Y/N clenched her jaw and held back shivers.

"You know that I don't regret being here, right? I mean, most of the time I was in a fancy hotel watching TV." Y/N smiled at the hero in front of her softly. "I like that you're a hero and I knew very well what I was getting myself into."

"I'm supposed to keep you safe, Y/N," Hawks said sternly and her eyes widened slightly as he used her real name. "That was my one job and I fucked it."

"Keigo, I'm still here." Y/N placed a hand on his. "You haven't failed. You're still the number one hero to me."

Hawks gently placed a hand on the side of her face, which she smiled and nestled her cheek into.

"If anything happened to you..."

"Nothing will happen to me." Y/N said firmly, looking into Hawks' honey colored eyes. "We're in this together, remember?"

"Yeah," he faintly replied, brushing his thumb on Y/N's cheekbone. "You hungry? I'll make you something when you rest up."

"No, I think I'll just sleep," Y/N smiled at Hawks and he nodded, getting off the bed and helping her under the covers. "Where are  you going?"

"I have to go into town so I can get out a distress signal to my agency letting them know our cover is blown." When Y/N looked at him worriedly, he just chuckled. "I'll be back soon, kid."

"Will you wake me up when you get back?" She asked softly and he nodded, wordlessly pressing a chaste kiss to her forehead.

"I promise."

a/n: YO WE'RE THE #1 STORY IN THE TAG HAWKS AND THE #2 STORY IN HAWKSXREADER TAG!!! i'm so proud of my book & absolutely delighted that you guys like it too :) also, we're almost at 4k reads!!

thank you so much for being here :)

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