7: can i call you?

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"Y/N!" Alex called her name just as she and Hawks were sneaking out the door, ready for the wedding to be over

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"Y/N!" Alex called her name just as she and Hawks were sneaking out the door, ready for the wedding to be over. "Are you leaving so soon?"

"That's what it appears to be," Hawks said stiffly, his hand in Y/N's. It was a soft reminder to stay strong. "Congrats on getting married, champ."

Alex nodded slowly, seeing that the number two hero clearly did not like him. "Thank you for popping in, Hawks. Y/N, are you sure you can't stay longer?"

"Keigo promised me a fun night," she lied while giggling and staring lovingly at the winged man beside her. "I think it's best if we take off now, Alex."

There was a look on Alex's face that could only be described as regret.

"Tell Jamie congrats, and that I don't envy that's stuck to you for the rest of her life," Y/N joked, just to drive the dagger even deeper into Alex's chest. "Now, I'm kinda eager to get home, so we'll be going."

"See ya, champ," Hawks shot him a wink, sliding his arm around Y/N's shoulders. "I got a promise to fulfill."

Without another word, they both walked out of the venue in silence. Y/N was processing what just happened and Hawks...well he was thinking about having a 'fun' night with Y/N. 

He knew it wouldn't happen...but Isobel was right. This was the most fun since Allison had left him for Chris. Y/N made him feel alive again.

There was a daring air around her that made him want to dive into. She would make him take chances and live life to the fullest. He had tripped a bride and groom on their wedding day just to see her smile.

"You okay?" He asked and Y/N let out a long sigh.

"No, but I will be."


Hawks walked Y/N to her apartment, which he learned was the building she was sitting on top of when they met merely hours ago.

"Well, this is me." Y/N chuckled nervously. "Thank you again, Hawks."

"Yeah, you owe me, kid." Hawks joked while pointing at her. She just laughed, looking at her feet.

"Well, you definitely are getting my vote for number one hero," Y/N rubbed the back of her neck. "We both know who I feel about the current number one...."

"Oh god," Hawks groaned, turning his eyes heavenward. "God, don't remind me."

"Goodnight, Hawks." Y/N smiled softly. She took off the necklace and handed it to him "You probably want this back."

"Ah, yeah, thanks," He smiled back at her. "Night, kid." 

Hawks turned his back to her and started to walk out into the night.

"Hawks?" She called and he stopped, looking at her. "You should really take your own advice. Allison doesn't know what she's missing out on."

That left the hero speechless as Y/N turned on her heel and walked into the lobby of her apartment. Y/N got into her apartment and locked the door behind her, kicking off her heels while groaning in relief.

Did I just go on a date with Hawks to my ex's wedding? 

Y/N washed off her makeup and started to get ready for bed. It had been a draining day and all she wanted to do was watch some trash TV and eat even shitter food. She changed into cozy pajamas and flipped on the TV.

As Y/N was preparing her junk food, her phone went off.

hey, it's Hawks.

How did you get my number?

i'm a hero, kid

Y/N rolled her eyes as she sat on the couch, her junk food on the coffee table.

i just wanted to thank you for what you said tonight.

You deserve the best, Hawks.

we both do.

Can I call you?

Her phone lit up with Hawks' number and she answered it.


"You good, kid?" Hawks asked on the other line.

"No." Y/N's face crumbled as she felt tears blur her vision. "No, I'm not."

a/n: thanks for reading! drink water, stay safe, and wear a mask! don't forget to comment & vote, i love to hear your guys' voices!

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