18: u fucken loser

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⚠️ recreational drug use⚠️

When Y/N woke the next morning, Hawks and Dabi were gone. On the pillow next to her head was a single red feather on a string.

Y/N felt herself smile as she reached out to touch it. Her fingers just barely grazed it as it came to life, swirling around and then tickling her nose. Y/N grabbed it by the string while sitting up and placing it around her neck.

The feather led her out of bed and toward the kitchenette, where there was a note on a piece of paper.

Morning kid,
You looked so peaceful sleeping, I didn't have the heart to wake you. Order whatever you want for food, we'll be back late tonight so don't wait up. I hope my friend keeps you company while I'm gone :)

-Bird brains

There was separate handwriting on the bottom of the note. This one seemed more rushed and careless.

lmao u drool in ur sleep, u fucken loser
-dabi <3

Y/N laughed, shaking her head slightly at the dynamic of the two life-long friends. She never thought she would be a hero when she was young, just admire them from afar like everyone else but now she was here...

Wearing pro hero Hawks' feather on her neck, being apart of a top-secret mission.

Her stomach growled and Y/N went to the hotel's phone. As the line rang, Y/N picked up the menu by the phone and a small baggy fell onto the ground.

Y/N frowned, jamming the receiver between her cheek and shoulder, grabbing the bag that had a sticky note on it. 

In the bag was a single joint.

birdie said u were nervous lmao. have fun

Y/N frowned, impressed that he got this by Hawks. She shrugged, taking the joint out of the baggie and twirling it in her fingers.

What else did she have to do today?

"Front desk, how can I help you?" A woman asked on the other line. 

"Yeah, hi, I'd like to order some breakfast," Y/N inspected the joint closely. "It's gonna be a pretty big order, I apologize in advance."


"I DON'T GIVE A DAMN ABOUT THE WAY YOU TOUCH ME WHEN WE'RE ALLOOONNEE! YOU CAN HOLD MY HAND IF NO ONES HOME!" Y/N yelled, using her hairbrush as a microphone, her headphone plugged into her ears blasting music. "DO YOU LIKE IT WHEN I'M AWAY? IF I WENT AND HURT MY BODY, BABY WOULD YOU LOVE ME THE SAME?"

She had smoked half that joint and she knew that it had been too much.

But Y/N was having the time of her life currently in the hotel.


Y/N jumped off the couch and started twirling around the room, still using her fake microphone.

"You're a pond and I'm an ocean!" She sang with her whole chest. "OH, MY EMOTIONSSS FEEEELLL LIKE EXPLOSIONS WHEN YOU ARE AROUND!"


Hawks bared his teeth as he punched the man in the face. There was a familiar sting of pain on his knuckles and guilt that gnawed in his chest. The man was tied to the chair, begging Hawks to let him go.

"Are you going to fucking talk then, huh?" Hawks snapped, clenching his fist at his sides. "Or am I gonna have to get my buddy here to torch you? Hm?"

"P-please, man, I just wanna see my kid. I don't know where anything is!" He cried out, blood, snot, and tears smeared on his face. Hawks must've broken his cheekbone.

"This fucker doesn't know anything," Toya sighed, standing from his chair in the corner. "I'll let Hiro know. You dump him, make sure he doesn't talk."

Hawks cut the ties and grabbed the beaten man by the collar, dragging him out of the room. He had passed out when Hawks took off into the night sky. Hawks got to the drop off point just to the man came back into consciousness.

"Keep your fucking mouth shut." He warned, tossing the man onto the ground. "You understand? Or I will come back, and kill that kid you were babbling about."

The man nodded rapidly in fear.

Hawks nodded, swallowing the guilt and pain that slammed into his chest.

He had caused that fear and pain in that man.

He spread his wings and flew into the sky, his hands practically shaking from the emotions he was feeling. When he couldn't fly anymore, he practically crash-landed on a rooftop, breathing heavily and tears blurring his vision.

He was having a panic attack.

It pained Hawks' chest to breathe, the guilt just racked his body. he fell to the ground, his hands on his chest and knees tucked in.

"Oh, baby, I am a wreck when I'm without you. I need you here to stay, I broke all my bones that day I found you crying at the lake,"

Y/N? Hawks looked up with tears streaming down his face. It took him a moment to realize it was his feather communication to him that he had left for Y/N that morning.

At this moment, Y/N was thinking about him, placing her hand over her chest where Hawks' feather was, singing at the top of her lungs, high as all hell.

"There is nothing in between. And in my eyes, there is a tiny dancer. Watching over me, he's singing,"

Y/N's sweet voice filled his ears and he focused on that one feather. "She's a, she's a lady, and I am just a boy...He's singing, she's a, she's a lady, and I am just a line without her,"

And even with the massive amount of guilt and sorrow Hawks was feeling in that moment, he took solace in Y/N's voice.

That's when he realized...he was falling in love with Y/N.

a/n: merry christmas eve, my friends! or happy holidays, if you don't celebrate christmas. o hope you have an amazing day, and if no one told you today, you look stunning :) 

stay safe & don't forget to comment & vote

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