33: the basement

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"I'm guessing that the building that looks like a jail is the building we're supposed to go into?" Y/N whispered to Hawks beside her. He grimaced, pulling Y/N under his wing.

"Yeah." He sighed heavily. "Alright, most likely, they'll keep Toya in a colder place to keep his quirk at bay, so probably the basement. We'll go in and take out everyone we come across as silently and stealthily as possible."

"Yessir," Y/N said looking nervously at the building. "I'll stay on you."

"I'm serious, kid."

"So am I." Y/N looked up at him sternly and he took note of the determined look in her eyes and nodded.

He pressed a hard kiss on her lips before taking her hand. "You're going to see me do some terrible things in here."

"It won't change how I see you, Keigo." Y/N shook her head. "Being with you feels right. It feels like fate. Whatever happens in this building will stay in this building, I won't mention anything."

"Like a fucked up version of Vegas." Hawks muttered, making Y/N scoff. "Alright, kid. Let's go in."

The two watched the building for a few minutes to see if any guards would come out. And since no one did, Hawks decided to come in from the ceiling. They landed on the roof and entered the vent system.

Hawks had made it clear just to follow him without question so Y/N did. As silently as she could, Y/N followed Hawks through the vents as he sent feathers ahead of them to scope the place out.

Suddenly as they were passing a room, Hawks stopped and so did Y/N, her heart beating rapidly. He turned to look at her behind him and gave her a soft smile. 

The feather that was around Y/N's neck came to life and tickled her nose. Y/N smiled at the man in front of her and sent a kiss his way. The feather dropped down again as Hawks started to move again. 

They crawled through the vents for a few more minutes, shimming down narrow vertical vents that signaled they were going down. Hawks looked through a grate and put his hand up, making Y/N halt her movements.

He pointed and she peered through to see Dabi strapped into a metal chair, obviously beaten and bruised. Once they got him out of that cold, Hawks and Dabi could team up and bust them all out.

Hawks gently took off the grate and set it aside. He lowered his body down slowly, careful not to make any noise as his feet hit the ground. Hawks held his hands out to help Y/N down from the vent as well.

Dabi raised his head to see his friends and groaned audibly. 

"Nice one, Collector," Dabi called while laughing sarcastically. "You already used them, you fucker! When are these gonna get good?"

"What?" Hawks deployed his feathers and used them to cut through Dabi's restraints. "Toya, it's us. What are you saying?"

"Oh yeah, I'm sure it's you." Dabi scoffed, letting his head fall back and his eyes shut. 

Y/N narrowed her eyes as she went to help Dabi out of his chair. She pried his eyelids open to see that his pupils were blown and she could barely see his blue irises. 

"What the...?"

"Kid?" Hawks said faintly behind her and as she turned to him, he dropped to the floor.

"Keigo!" Y/N dropped to her knees when her head started to get dizzy. "Keigo..can you..?" The world around her spun before it turned black.

a/n: heyo! so, i'm going to put this warning right here, next chapter is gore-y and graphic. I'll out more in detail warning in the heading of next chapter, but I just wanted to let you know.

thank you guys so much for reading, writing this has been so much fun and thank you for sticking with me.

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