4: head up, kid

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Y/N held Hawks' hand tightly as Jamie walked down the aisle toward Alex

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Y/N held Hawks' hand tightly as Jamie walked down the aisle toward Alex.

This was a pain that Y/N had never felt before and it was almost too much for her to handle. Hawks pulled her even closer to him, bringing her knuckles to his lips.

"You can do this, Y/N," He breathed out, just softly enough that only she could hear.  The feather dangling from her necklace wiggled against her collarbone in comfort.

Y/N didn't even hear the vows, the thoughts that were crashing into her ears deafened everything else. There were many words that Alex had said to her when they were dating, when he asked her to wait for him, and when he said he found someone else.

But there was one constant in her head.

That could have been her. 

But it wasn't.

And she was going to have to live with that for the rest of her life now. 

"Is there anyone who objects to this unification? Speak now or forever hold your peace."

Alex locked eyes with Y/N and her heart stopped. Did he want her to object? Why did he look at her? Could this be her chance? Did he want her back?

"I now pronounce you husband and wife! You may now kiss the bride."

Alex and Jamie kissed and Y/N felt like screaming. Apparently, she zoned out as they walked down the aisle, hand in hand. Married.

Hawks helped her up from her seat, a supportive arm around her waist that just looked like a regular embrace but Y/N knew she would crumble without him. He was silent for the most part as everyone made it to the ballroom where there were at least a hundred tables.

There was a dance floor in the middle with a DJ and beside that, there was a raised up long table where all the wedding party was sat. 

"Hey, is that Hawks?" People whispered as they walked by. Instead of waving at them, like how he did before the reception, his focus was completely on a shellshocked Y/N.

He helped her into her seat, his amber eyes watching her every move.

"I'm sorry, kid." Hawks whispered to her. "But I bet I could make you laugh."

"Hawks, how could you possibly make this night any better?" Y/N sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose.

"Now presenting... MR. AND MRS. FOREMAN!" The DJ announced and Y/N dropped her head into her hands as everyone cheered.

"Head up, kid." He tilted her chin up so she saw Jamie and Alex walk into the ballroom. Hawks deployed two feathers along the ground, catching Y/N's eye. The feathers slid under Jamie's dress and Alex's pant leg.

Y/N clapped a hand over her mouth as they both fell flat on their faces. There was a collective gasp as the feathers returned to Hawks' wings. She let out a wheeze-like laugh, hiding behind her hands while trying not to screech out in laughter.

One of Y/N's hands at gripped Hawks' jacket, bending at her waist with tears welling in her eyes she was laughing so hard.

The number two hero had just tripped a bride and groom on their wedding day just to make her smile.

"Keigo--" She broke off in a wheeze, trying to hide her laughter behind her hand. Hawks had balled up his fist and put it against to lips to stifle his laughter.

He hadn't expected them to hit the ground so hard, but seeing Y/N's delight at the small act was worth it.

"Ohhh my god-duhhhh--" she wheezed again, trying to contain herself, taking deep breaths. "Oh my fucking god, I might pee myself."

"Pull yourself together w-we have to act concerned...pfffft--"  Hawks clapped a hand over his mouth as Alex and Jamie had tried to get up, but Alex was stepping on his bride's dress, making him fall again and there was a loud tear.

Y/N gripped onto Hawks' jacket while shaking him slowly, her mouth hand clamped over her mouth to keep in her laughter. Hawks giggled manically while grabbing Y/N's forearm to brace himself from falling over.

"Oh my god, I'm gonna--" She couldn't even finish her sentence, she just leaned her head on his shoulder. "Phew, I owe you my life for that, Keigo."

Y/N looked up at the hero, who was grinning at her. "You should smile more, kid. It suits you."

"You keep pulling shit like that, birdbrains, and I will." Y/N teased, feeling her cheeks heat up. 

"Head up, kid," Hawks placed a finger under Y/N's chin so he made her look at him. "This is gonna be a good night."

a/n: hey all! i hoped you liked this chapter! i was imagining the wheezes to be like dreamwastaken's laughter lol

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