Chapter 4, "Get used to it"

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Harry's POV

"H, H," I heard Jayda call out, waking me out of my sleep. I squinted opening my eyes trying to get immuned to the light. Jayda was across the room getting dressed making my morning delight even more delighted.

"Morning," I grunted.

"Don't make that sound," she smirked.


"Because then I'd have to get back in bed."

"Why don't you?" I smirked.

"Babe, we have things to do today," she frowned.

I assuringly looked under the covers, "We have things to do today too."

"Get up, shower now," she commanded.

"Jeez say it again," I smirked.

"Harry Edward Styles," she slightly yelled.

"That's my name," I smiled. "Can you say that in a way as if we were... you know."

"Harry," she sighed.

I pulled the covers off of me, finally deciding to get up instead of pushing her buttons even more. Though I was particularly enjoying it.

"Showers running," she pointed.

"Mhm," I said, firmly lifting her over my shoulders.

"No, what are you doing," she squirmed.

I pulled back the shower curtain hopping in with Jayda as the steaming water hit our bodies.

"I was fully dressed Harry," Jayda snapped.

"And I wasn't, showers aren't fun without you," I smiled.

"Harry, why?" She sighed. "Why are you so jipper this morning?"

"Because I couldn't be happier with you and life right now," I cheesed.

Jayda let out her soft laugh that I adored so much.

"Jayda Styles," I grinned. "I love you."

"I love you too," she kissed, placing her hand around the back of my neck.

"Mmm," I sighed in pleasure.

"I will enjoy this shower with you my husband, but we aren't having sex," she assured.

"Fine," I frowned.

I helped Jayda remove her wet clothes as we took a shower together as typical husband and wives do. We weren't married yet but it sure as hell felt like it. Her smile was brighter than the sky in summertime and I loved seeing her happy, us happy. No drama.

Once we stepped out the shower, Jayda quickly dried off finding her clothes while I just wrapped the towel around my lower body.

"Are you seriously taking your time?" she sighed.

"Why are you in such a rush? What exactly do you have planned?" I asked curiously.

"Really? Harry we need to go test out a wedding cake and I need to go to the store to grab a few things."

"Right of course," I smiled, sitting on the bed.

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