Chapter 22, "Hey"

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Later that day!!

Jayda's POV

After we finished the interview and met some fans we headed back to Louis' house. I was honestly happy and in a good mood because I didn't realize people cared about me just as much as the boys.

Fans wanted pictures with me, they touched my belly, and gave me warm hugs. It was something I'm not used to but I sure as hell don't mind.

"Come on baby," Harry said, opening the car door.

"You know I can get out the car by myself," I sighed.

"Shut up and let me help you," he insisted.

I did exactly what he said as he helped me out the car. I don't mean to be so snappy at him because trust me I love everything he's doing, it's just my attitude seems to worsen from time to time, especially towards him.

We walked in the house, all taking a seat on the couch.

"No drinking tonight," I made very clearly.

"You're just mad because you can't," Niall mocked.

I quickly threw him the bird gaining laughter from everyone.

"Eleanor's coming over," Louis announced.

"So is Sophia," Liam added.

"Looks like I'm about to call up a friend," Niall said, walking into another room.

"Well then, full house I guess," Harry chuckled.

"I'm going to make dinner for everyone, so I guess there will be drinking tonight," I grinned.

"Not for you", Harry remarked.

"Duh," I said, rolling my eyes.

"Want me to fix that attitude of yours?"

"Nope, I'm sorry," I frowned.

Harry looked over giving me a smirk. I swear he has so much control over me and I love it.

I waved the boys off, walking into the kitchen. Luckily Louis always makes groceries so there we're many options at hand.

I decided to make some rice, corn, peas, baked chicken in Parmesan, with Hawaiian bread rolls.

I took everything out starting on the chicken when Zayn walked in the kitchen.

"Looks good already," he observed.

"Thanks," I smiled.

He walked to the refrigerator taking out a bottle of wine.

"So...." I started.

"So......?" He asked confused.

"Is Kara coming over?" I asked.

"Should she?"

"Well everyone else is coming and I would like to meet her."

"Hmm, I guess then," he shrugged. He started to walk out the kitchen before I stopped him.


"Yeah?" He said, walking back over to me.

"Who is she?"

"Who? Kara?"

I nodded.

"Shes somebody I've known for a while and we've recently decided to try things out romantically and I like her a lot," he smiled.

"Why did the boys all look so shocked when you mentioned her name?"

"Um well she was a wild card," he said, scratching the back of her head. "But that's in the past."

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