Chapter 10 "Sharing the big news!"

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Harry's POV

Later that night....

"You ready to tell the boys?" I asked excitedly.

"Yeah, but I must admit I'm nervous of their reactions," she whispered getting up from our previous cuddles.

"Don't worry about it. Everything's going to be fine," I assured.

We walked back into the living room to find the boys all occupied on their phones.

"Looks like somebody made up," Louis teased.

"More like sounded," Niall said, making a disgusted face.

Both Jayda and I blushed; embarrassed that they most likely heard the commotion. The others laughed in unison.

"Um guys....we actually have some news to share with you all...." Jayda started.

Jayda's POV

My heart was beating rapidly, unaware of what the boys may think. Harry took my hand in his to ease the thoughts that ran through my brain.

"Well what is it?" Zayn asked impatiently. He wasn't one that liked to wait.

"Well, let's just say there's a reason why I was unable to take that drink from you earlier. In fact I won't be drinking for a while now," I hinted.

"What is this? Are you going on some type of diet for the wedding? Or is this just some journey you decided to go through?" Liam asked confused.

When it comes to these boys, you practically have to spell everything out for them.

"Guys....I'm pregnant!" I said, pulling the best smile I could.

The room went silent. It seemed like we stared back at each other for ages, until Niall finally broke the silence.

"Wait, wait, wait. I'm going to be an uncle?" He beamed proudly.

"Yes. Yes you are." I said, embracing the hug he had given me.

"Omg congrats guys. I'm so happy for you!" Liam responded.

"Same here. Y'all will make wonderful parents," Zayn added, joining in on the group hug.

Louis stood there in what I guess was shock.

"Louis?" I asked, fearful of his inner thoughts.


"What do you think? Are you mad?"

"Mad? Why of course not. I'm very happy for y'all, I'm just trying to figure out how on earth I'm going to make the best wedding ever and baby shower. Honestly guys like one at a time please," he teased.

He soon came rushing over to give both H and I hugs.

"Oh thank god. I thought you were mad at us for a second there," I said, releasing a breath that I seemingly had trapped in.

"No, no. Like Zayn said, y'all will make wonderful parents. And I, will make the best uncle."

"Hey!" Niall protested.

We all laughed hysterically. Harry took my hand again kissing my ring finger. This was his way of saying I love you. I took the opportunity to kiss him on the cheek.

"Well unfortunately, we have to get back," I sighed, " I have a doctors appointment the day after tomorrow and we know nothing right now."

"Oh please. Go home and get some rest. I expect a full report on how it went." Louis said, ushering me carefully to the door. I wasn't big yet, but it was still funny to watch him take precaution.

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