Chapter 24, "Baby Proofing"

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Harry's POV

3 weeks later...

Jayda and I have been staying with Louis for a while so he could help with the planning of the baby shower. Jayda and I were finally ordering neutral baby products for the house, as well as house hunting.

Jayda has gotten even bigger now, and I'm starting to fear that too much stress is being put on her. Management has been up her case about everything lately. They literally expect her to do everything. I swear she has done more for us than they have.

"Ouuu, guys I like this crib. Look at it." she said, showing Louis and I.

I stared at the crib she had picked out. It was a grey convertible crib that also had a changing station.

"It's neutral, so we can decorate it however we like. What do you guys think?"

I looked at the happiness bestowed on her face.

"I in fact love the crib, but it's up to you and Harry. Whatever crib you both like I will get."

"Oh no Louis. I can't ask you to get this. I'll pay for it." Jayda insisted.

"You will absolutely not pay for it. Neither one of you will."

"Harry baby..."

"Nope. No questions asked. Give me the laptop so I can pay for it. We can pick it up once it's ready."

"Really? We can get it?" she squealed.

"Yes. Now hand me the laptop," I chuckled.

I ordered the crib and then we ordered some baby proofs for the house.

"Okay, so about this new house. I think we should build our dream house." I stated.

"That's what I wanted to do, but I know that's going to take a while."

"Oh please guys, take as long as y'all need. Go ahead and sale Harry's house and y'all can stay here. It's just me and Eleanor now."

"Eleanor?" we said in unison.

"Yeah. I decided I wanted her to move in. Plus, the boys have their apartments and I know Eleanor would love to see the little one."

"That's great Louis. I'm really happy for you." Jayda beamed.

"Thanks Jayda."

"But what about space? I don't want to take up anymore of your house."

"Jayda darling, have you seen this place? Trust me. It's much too big for just two people. In fact, most likely after y'all get your house done, we'll probably move to a smaller family home."

"Family home?" I asked.

"Louis? Do I hear settling down maybe?"


We continued to talk about the baby and look for land. We decided we at least wanted to be near Louis and Niall since Zayn and Liam apartments are closer to the other part of town.

Jayda's POV

The next day.....

"Harry!" I yelled, in pain.

My cramps have never been this bad before. The baby has kicked a couple of times, but never like this.

"Harry, baby, please wake up!"

"Jayda, what is it? Are you okay?" he panicked.

"Does it look like I'm okay?" I snapped, not realizing, "sorry. These cramps are just really bad."

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