Chapter 20, "Going home"

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Jayda's POV

the next day...

This has been the best trip I could have ever asked for. I get to spend the rest of my life with the man I am overly so so so in love with.

"Okay, everything's packed and set for the flight. Do you need anything else?" Harry asked.

"No, thanks babe. Thank you for doing this. I'm just so exhausted."

"It's fine. I would be tired too after the couple of rounds we had," he smirked playfully.

"Yeah, you're not touching me for about a month," I joked.

"Nooooo," he pleaded, " I'm sowry. I'll be gentle next time."

"No no no. The damage has already been done."

"Baby please," he mumbled, making a pouty place before kissing my neck.

"Okay fine." I said, finally giving in.

"Yayyy! We still have a couple of hours before our flight," he whispered, sending tingles down my spine.

"Only a couple?" I asked, a smirk playing onto my face.

"Ohhhh..." Harry said, pushing me down onto the bed.

3 hours later...

Both Harry and I laid in the bed in complete fulfillment, as sweat drenched down our naked bodies.

"Woah." Harry gulped.


We both stared at the ceiling dryly.


"Yes love?"

"Baby, what time is it?"

Harry reached over to the night stand to check the mail. He quickly shot off the bed beginning to get dressed.

"We're going to miss our flight. Just throw on a robe or something. We don't have time."

I jumped up as well doing as he said. I grabbed the nearest robe as we both raced out the house with our luggage. Harry quickly signed us out and we sped to the airport.

The plane was just about to finish boarding, but thankfully we made it just in time. If it weren't for how packed the airport was, we would've gotten their sooner .

We both settled on the plane into our seats. We figured we didn't have to seat first class. This was our first week without paparazzi and millions of loving fans.

"You hungry?" Harry asked, his hand in mine.

"Omg, I thought you would never ask. I'm famished."

Harry's POV

I laughed as Jayda pretty much ordered everything they had on the plane. She was about to be on her fourth month, so I completely understood.

"Mmmm, it's all so good," she said, barely chewing her food.

"Slow down babe. It's not going anywhere," I laughed.

"Hey!" I said, hitting his chest.

Jayda finished food and swiftly went to sleep. I know she's been tired. For this to be a honeymoon, we haven't gotten much rest. I went to sleep with her to pass by the time on the flight.

8 hours later...

Jayda woke up underneath me causing me to get up as well. That was a sleep I didn't even know I needed.

"Hello beautiful," I said, kissing Jayda on her head.

" much longer?" she asked, her eyes still closed as she snuggled into me more.

"About 11 more," I said tiredly.

"Oh god. I'm so tiredddd." she groaned.

"Welp, you have 11 hours to catch up on some well deserved sleep."

"Okay, if you insist." she said, already dozing off.

I decided to stay awake and look for baby stuff. Cribs, clothes (for both genders obviously), and cute little footies. I bookmarked all these pages and then decide to surf for some of my favorite movies.

Jayda laid in my lap while I watched "Love, Actually" again for like the 50th time. I dozed off half way through the movie though.

Once we woke up, we were finally landing.

"Jeez, that was the best nap I've ever taken," Jayda remarked.

"Nap? Babe, I hate to break it to you, but you were practically sleep the whole plane ride other than when you were eating. I had to check your pulse to make sure you were still alive."

"Oh, shut up. Anyways, is Louis here? I'm hungry."

I laughed instantly.

"Yeah he's here. Us three can go out to eat at your favorite."


We rushed out the airport trying to escape paparazzi at all costs.

"Well hello love birds," Louis greeted us, giving us both hugs and grabbing our bags.

"How is it possible that's it's only been a day and your bump has grown tremendously?" he asked all smiles.

"I know right. I think at this point it's just a food baby," Jayda joked.

"Speaking of food, my wife is hungry and I have a feeling you are too."

"I was just waiting for the word." Louis smiled.

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