Chapter 31, "I cant"

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Jayda's POV

My mind was racing and all I could think about were the babies. Maybe I should've stayed home or I should've realized what was going on. Oh god this is all my fault.

"Jayda darling, don't worry. Everything's going to be fine." Harry said, trying to reassure me.

I gazed up at him still holding my stomach. Blood was still spilling out and I just didn't know what to do anymore.

"Harry..." I cried.

He looked at me and I saw the fear in his eyes.

"Harry, I can't. I just can't do it anymore," I wheezed, "They're never going to accept me."

"Shhh. We'll figure it out. We always do."

"Harry you don't understand. They tried to hurt me. They've hurt our babies. How can I go on? I don't want to anymore." I sobbed.

I watched as everyone turned their heads towards me and Louis looked at me through the rear view with sad eyes. Harry's eyes began to tear up.

"No, no Jayda don't say that. Jayda don't give up on me you hear me?" He continued to cry, running his hands frantically through my hair.

Before I could say anything else, Louis pulled into the hospital. I felt my body go weak and knees give out.

Harry's POV

Jayda fainted in my arms the minute we started walking up to the hospital. This was it. I've broken her. How could I turn this sweet innocent girl into a broken one? She's given everything for me and I've offered nothing.

I carried her into the hospital shouting for Dr. Avery. I'm really tired of being here so much. It scared me every time they would disappear with her because I always had that thought of what if she never came back out?

Dr. Avery cam running out from the back looking at the blood running down Jayda.

"What in the hell happened Harry?" she demanded.

"She got pushed and fell on her stomach." I said reluctantly, already knowing how she was going to react.

"How did that happen? You know what, it doesn't matter. I have to take her back."

Without another glance towards me, she took Jayda back.

"Did she mean it Harry? What she said back there, did she mean it?" Louis questioned.

"I don't know Lou. I just don't know. This is all my fault man. I've damaged her and I don't know if she can come back from it."

"H, don't say that. She always comes back to you," Zayn assured me.

"Yeah, but I fear this time is different. I need to go. I can't be here. Can y'all update me please?"

"Man, where are you going?" Liam asked.

"Just away from here."

I took the keys and dashed out the hospital. I didn't knew where I was going, but I just couldn't sit in that waiting room again being helpless.

Before I knew it, I was parked outside my mum's house. I banged on the door harshly before she finally answered.

"Harry what on god's earth is wrong with you?" she questioned, but stopped once she saw my face.


"Shhh, come in and tell me everything." she said, opening the door wider.

"It's Jayda. She's in the hospital again."

"What happened this time?" she asked shocked.

"One of our fans pushed her down. But mum, she said she doesn't want to be here anymore. What have I done? I feel like I've broken her and she won't ever be the same girl again."

"Oh Harry. My son you have not broken her. You and I both know that Jayda loves you with all her heart."

"Exactly. What if that's the problem? She's given her love to me so effortlessly and she loves me unconditionally. And what have I given her other than a level of exposure that she never asked for? This job gets in the way of everything!" I said, pacing around.

"Harry you know that's not true. Do you truly think Jayda cares about the flashing lights, paparazzi, or exposure? If you do then you don't know who you married at all. Harry she's with you because she loves you. Why is that a bad thing?"

"It's bad if her continuing to love me is hurting her!" I yelled.

My mother stared at me silently. I couldn't quite figure out her expression, but I know she was mad that I yelled at her.

"Okay Harry. Fine then. Leave her. Leave her with your two kids. Leave her so she can go find someone else and be happy. If you feel she is so unhappy where she is, then let her go."

"Whot?" I asked, with wides eyes.

"Harry Edward Styles. Get a grip son. I raised you better than this. You have already tried to push the one good thing away from you, please don't make that same mistake again with her. Do you truly believe anyone can make her feel the way she does with you? She's scared son, and she needs your comfort. Stop running away from your responsibilities. Baby, she loves you and you love her. It's not hurting her to love you, it's hurting her to feel like she's doing this alone."

I never once thought about it that way. I was always on the road and I haven't been much of a help lately. We haven't really connected lately and I miss that. I miss the excitement we had when we first met.

"Mum, I just want her to come back to me." I cried.

"She'll come back to you Harry. She just needs to know that she's needed. She just needs to know that she has something to come back to my dear. And when she does come back to you, you need to step up and be there. No more leaving. No more running. No more putting the blame on yourself. Just love her as she loves you Harry." she said, walking towards me and pulling me into a warm embrace.

I needed to hear that. I haven't been the man I've promised to be.

"Thank you mum." I said, into her shoulder.

"Of course. Now come on. We have a hospital to get to."

We drove to the hospital and found the boys in the exact same spot.

"Jeez mate you really scared us there," Niall said, pulling me into a hug.

Dr. Avery walked back into the waiting room.

"How is she?" I asked.

"Lucky enough the kids and her are just fine. When she got pushed, it did cause some distress for the kids so she shouldn't be moving anytime soon. However, as for the small cut, she's all stitched up now and the babies are perfectly fine." she informed us.

"Oh thank god," my mum said.

"However, she is out of it right now. She should be waking up soon, but I fear that she might not want to. What exactly is going on Harry?"

"She's scared Dr. Avery and I haven't been the best comforter. Can I go and speak to her? Alone."

"Yes. She needs to hear your voice right now. That all do."

I walked towards her room door hesitantly. I just didn't know what to expect....

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