Chapter 15, "Hawaii Pt. 2"

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(Just like the last chapter the POV switches a lot so pay attention!!!!)

The next morning !!!!!

Louis POV!!!

It was now 6 am in the morning and Eleanor and I got up extremely early so we could get everything together. Luckily the great lads I hired to do the decorations were already starting up outside along the beach. I quickly showered and went to the beach to see the men already setting up. Eleanor stayed at the house making sure Harry and Jayda stayed separated and away from each other.

Everyone was on board with the plan and everything was going exactly right so the only other thing I had to wait on was Jayda's mom and brothers which was another one of my surprises for her.

Once I was done making sure the guys were doing right with the decorating, I went back to the house to find everyone up.

I greeted everyone then dashed straight into Jayda's room.

"Come on darling," I smiled.

"Where are we going?" she smiled.

"The house next door, I rented it just for you. We can't any chances," I assured.

She got up slipping on some slides and following me into the next door house. I made her wear a blindfold so she didn't see anything that was already set up.

"Okay," I said, removing the blindfold from her eyes.

She looked around in awe before taking a seat on the couch.

"Louis, everything is amazing and what you're doing.. I can't-" she sniffed, almost crying.

"I love you too sis," I hugged. She wrapped her arms around me tightly.

"You're the best."

"I try," I smiled making her laugh and shake her head.

"Love do you want to take a nap?" I asked.

"Can I? I don't want to be tired or anything but.."

"Yes, I insist," I smiled, pulling a blanket over her. "And in a while, I'll send all the ladies over here to help you prepare, so rest up beautiful."

She gave me a nod before she quickly drifted off. I smiled walking out of the house and onto the beach with the decorating crew. Might I say they were coming along great.

*****Phone rings*****

I read the caller ID to reveal Jayda's mom.

"Talk to me love," I answered.

"Hey baby we just landed."

"On my way."

I quickly drove to pick up Mrs. Matthews, Jake and Josh. I shot Eleanor a quick text telling her to gather all the ladies and their things and head to the other house. When I made it to the airport, we quickly greeted one another and started loading the car.

"Thanks for coming," I smiled.

"Thanks for calling non stop," she grinned.

Once we got in the car, we made conversation about how today was going to go as I drove back...

Jayda's Pov

I was woken up by Anne, Gemma, and Eleanor entering the house with a bunch of different things including, dresses, makeup, and etc..

"Hi everyone," I smiled.

They all smiled back at me as if they were going to cry.

"Where's Louis?" I asked.

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