Chapter 23, "Hormone Frenzy"

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Harry's POV

After Louis, Kara, and Jayda finished crying their eyes out over Titanic, they finally drifted off to sleep. I caressed Jayda's hair softly when her eyes fluttered open.

"Sorry babe. I didn't mean to wake you up."

"It's okay. Don't stop, it felt nice." she sighed.

"You okay?" I asked, my eyes gazing into hers. Even in the pitch dark they glistened.

"I'm sorry," she whispered.

"Sorry for what?"

"For the way I've been acting. Harry...I'm scared. Really really scared." she confessed.

I kissed her forehead softly. I listened intently as she continued.

"I can't promise I'm always going to be in the best mood, but I'll try to contain these hormones the best I can."

"Baby, it's fine. I truly don't mind. As long as you're happy and okay, I completely understand," I assured her.

She held onto my waist tightly as she snuggled into me more. Her hand began to rub up and down my chest. Oh god. I already knew where this was going.

"Jayda..." I mumbled.

"Hmm?" she asked nonchalantly.

"What are you doing?"


"Darling, I'd hate to inform you, but there are others around love." I said, stopping her hand from its movements.


"You're just hormonal. How much more do you think you can take?"

"How much more do you think you can give?" she asked, whispering into my ear.

Fuck me.

"You are completely sex crazed you know that?"

"I know," she beamed.

I picked her up and carried her into our spare room.

The next morning....


"Hmmm?" Jayda mumbled, still turnt over.

"Don't you think it's time we get up?"

"No! Fuck off?" she yelled.

I laughed at her outburst. I began to rub her belly.

"Why not?"

"Because your big dic-"

"Hey! Enough said okay? Enough said."

She just shrugged.

"Listen here young lady. I am going to go run you a hot shower and you are going to get in it understand? Then you will join me out there with the rest. Do I make myself clear?"

"Harry baby?"


"Do me a favor..."

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