Chapter 30, "Accident"

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Harry's POV

Jayda was now 7 months in her pregnancy and not exactly in the mood for...well anything. I've been sticking to my word and staying by her side and tending to her every need. Which mostly consisted of cooking, ordering food, trying new food, and foot rubs.

Louis was finally back and was about to kick my ass after he found out what happened. Thankfully, Jayda assured him everything was fine now.

We were all in the the living room as Jayda tortured us with another episode of Grey's.

"Whot is even happening? Who is Dr. Mcdreamy?" Louis asked.

"That's Derek. He's going to end up with Meredith." Jayda explained.

"Yeah, whatever that means," Louis laughed.

"Oh love, I meant to ask if you were coming to our concert tomorrow?" I asked, completely forgetting to inform her.

"Of course you would wait till the last minute to tell me," she said, rolling her eyes, "of course I'm coming. I feel like it's been forever since I've heard all of y'all's voices."

"That is true." Louis said.

"Matter of fact. Harry?"

"Yes darling?"

"Why don't you ever sing to me?"

I never once even thought about that. Honestly when I'm with her, I forget I'm a singer.

"I don't know actually. Is that something you want me to start doing?"

"Yeah. I think it would be nice for the kids, but mostly for me. I love your voice and I don't hear it as much as I would like."

"Okay then. I will start singing to you my love."

I saw from the corner of my eye Louis gaging. Eleanor was asleep in his lap, so it was just us three.

"Okay, well I'm going to take her to bed," he interrupted.

"Goodnight Louis," Jayda said.

We ended up heading to bed ourselves.

"What would you like for me to sing tonight?"

"You are the reason."

"Okay," I chuckled.

She scooted onto my stomach.

"There goes my heart beating, 'cause you are the reason."

"I'm losing sleep, please come back now."

"And there goes my mind racing, and you are the reason."

"That I am still breathing, I'm hopeless now."

"I'd climb every mountain, and swim every ocean."

"Just to be with you, and fix what I've broken"

I looked over to Jayda to find her fast asleep with a smile on her face. I kissed her head and went to sleep after her.

The next day...

The boys and I had to get up early for rehearsal today before the show, but I decided to let Jayda sleep in. I told her I would pick her up before the concert, which wasn't till 7.

It was 10am now, but time always passes by on the day of a concert.

"You ready for today mate?" Niall asked.

"Yeah. I'm actually excited. It's feels like forever since we've been on the stage." I confessed.

"I thought I was the only one. I've missed this. The only bad part about this is management." Louis said.

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