Chapter 12, "Best gift ever"

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Harry's POV

"SURPRISE!" they all yelled, scaring me half to death.

I looked amongst the room to see everyone I loved. From the boys, to my mum, and surprisingly my sister Gemma.

"Gemma!" I shouted, dropping the bags I was previously holding to go give her a hug.

"Hey little brother," she smiled.

"Omg, Jayda. What is all this?" I said, my eyes wandering through the house that was now fully decorated.

"I wanted to celebrate you. It's not necessarily a birthday party, but it is just for you," she said, kissing me on the cheek.

"This was all Jayda's idea. She had this planned since last month," my mum beamed proudly.

I picked Jayda up swinging her around proudly. She laughed in enjoyment.

"Come on, let's get you cleaned up as they set out the food," she said, taking my hand in hers.

As we walked into the room, I was able to eye her body from head to toe. She was wearing a tight fitted mauve dress that not only shaped her well, but as well as her growing bump. She paired her favorite pair of black heels to go with it.

"You look gorgeous," I said, my eyes following her as she picked out some clothes for me.

I could see the smile form on her face.

"Thank you. Now, put these on."

I obliged throwing the pair of black jeans on and the plain white shirt she got me.

I got up to find her in the mirror. I wrapped my arms around her waist. I loved how her height was able to let me rest my chin on her head. As I hugged her waist, I noticed there was no print from her underwear.

"Are you-?"

"Yup. Now, come on. We have guest to tend to." she said, spinning on her heel and walking out the room.

I followed after her trying to keep my eyes off her bum that seemed even plumper than before. God do I love pregnancy.

Jayda pushed me to take a seat as she fixed my plate.
As she went to make the others, my mum stopped her.

"I've got this love. Take a seat," she insisted.

Jayda thanked her then came to sit near me.It was just us and the boys in the dining area now. As we made small talk, I swiftly motioned my hand onto Jayda's thighs. She made no movements account my touch.

Thankfully, we were the only two sitting on this side of the table. I moved my hand up more before going seeing Jayda release a small whimper at the contact.

"You alright Jayda?"  I asked teasingly.

She shot me a deep glare, but never once moved my hand away. They boys were too into their conversation to know what was going on.

I moved up higher finally reaching her spot which was already wet. Really wet in fact. I grinned at the fact I was making her feel this way. That and her hormones bouncing off the walls.

I began to move up and down slowly earning a few sighs. As my mum and Gemma walked back in with everyone else's plate, I pulled away wiping her wetness off with a near by napkin.

We all talked throughout the meal engaging in each conversation that was brought up.

"So, when do you guys find out the gender?" Gemma asked, wiping her mouth with a napkin.

"Well, we could find out now, but we kind of want to keep it a surprise," Jayda answered, " however, I do hope it's a boy."

"And Harry what would you like?" my mum asked.

"I actually want a girl," I laughed.

"Well I don't care what gender the baby is. As long as they know their uncle tommo," Louis added, gaining a laugh from the whole table.

We finally finished up our meals, when Jayda began to make an announcement.

"Okay. So we all got you a few things," she smiled.

"Y'all didn't have to-"

"Please. Just look at them first."

"Okay," I sighed, unaware of what they got me.

Hopefully, it wasn't too expensive.

Liam went first gifting me a new Fleetwood Mac record. It was a first edition and extremely rare to find, so I instantly gave him a hug. Niall gifted me a new Gucci suit that I've been talking about for a while. So much for inexpensive, I thought. Zayn also gifted me a Gucci suit. And finally, my sister gifted me a hug. Saying that her allowing me to be her brother was the biggest gift of all.

We all laughed in response.

"Okay, Louis, your mom, and I pitched in on the next one." Jayda said with a smirk on her face.

My anxiousness began to grow.

"But first, let me give you this," Jayda said, handing me a box.

I slowly opened up the box to find two plane tickets to Hawaii.

"I know you've been tired lately, so I figured we could take a quick trip for a few days before the wedding."

I got up smiling giving Jayda the biggest hug of all.

"Thanks babe," I said, kissing her on the cheek.

"Okay but that's not all. Come on."

She guided all of us to the front of the house. Her and Louis walked down the street before pulling a bright, red, vintage Ferrari S.p.A up.

I stood in disbelief. I've been wanting this car forever to add on to my collection of vintage cars.

"Do you like it?" she asked, getting out the driver's side.

"Do I? I love it. How much was this?"

"Don't worry about that. Your mom helped me picked it out and Louis and I split the cost."

"Jayda. You did not have to. This must've costed a fortune."

"Harry, stop worrying about it. We can take a spin in it if you want."

The other boys were just as shocked as I was. Gemma included.

"Do y'all mind?" Jayda asked the rest.

"Of course not. Actually, it's quite late and I'm a bit tired." My mum answered.

"Okay. I'll go help you all get situated in the house then we can go for a ride," she said winking at me, then disappearing into the house with my mum, sister, and Niall, Zayn, and Liam.

Louis stood outside laughing at my shocked face.

"You alright mate?"

"I'm just so shocked. How did y'all-"

"Hey, this was all Jayda's idea. I didn't even really pay for it like that. She insisted on taking care of most of the cost. At first, she was going to handle everything, but I knew how you would feel about that."

I gave Louis a hug thanking him for everything.

"She's a keeper for sure," I said.

"That she is," he smiled, heading into the house.

Jayda reappeared with the same dress on, however she took her heels off. I knew her feet were killing her.


"Hell yeah!" I said, hopping in the driver's seat.

Jayda laughed as we pulled off.

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