Chapter 36, "Delivery"

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Jayda's POV

September 9th. 7:00am.

Everyone around me was sleeping and I was just up watching T.V. I talked to my mom earlier and she should be landing around 6. Suddenly, Dr. Avery popped in.

"You and me. Walk?" she asked gleefully.

"You're just trying to get me to exercise," I laughed, trying to carefully remove Harry's face on my shoulder. Once I successfully shifted his cuddled up body, I gave him a kiss to the forehead. He's adorable when he's sleeping. So peaceful.

"Ready?" Dr. Avery asked, holding out her hand.

"Yup." I agreed, taking it.

We walked up and down the hallway with me hooked up to the IV pumps. Dr. Avery had wrapped my stomach in a belly band to support the uterus, which made it difficult to sleep last night.

"So, how are you feeling about everything? Are you nervous."

"I don't think so actually. I have a great support system and a great doctor. Thank you for everything Dr. Avery. I know we've all been a pain in the ass for you." I joked.

"No worries. My main priority is that you and those gorgeous babies of yours are safe and healthy."

"And that's all thanks to you. I can't thank you enough, but I'll try."

We walked around for a couple of more minutes before Harry finally came and found us.

"I thought there was a pregnant woman on the loose," he laughed.

"You couldn't last 30 minutes without me." I said, shaking my head.

"Oh hush. I actually came because it's time for your amazing massage provided by me obviously." he boasted.

"Yeah whatever. It took me being pregnant for you to frequently give me massages," I laughed, rolling my eyes.

Dr. Avery told me after my massage she would check to see how far I've dilated.

Harry's POV

Everyone else was still asleep. They're not used to being up this early, but I expected my mum to wake up soon.

"Oh my god...that feels amazing. Your hands can work wonders babe, you know that?"

"Mmhmm, told you."

"Don't get cocky, just take the compliment."

I continued to massage her side applying more pressure. She was laid on her right side and holding onto the railing of the hospital bed. If anyone woke up right now, they would be very suspicious of what was going on. I laughed at the thought.

"What's so funny?" she asked, rolling to her left side.

I walked around the bed to get the other side.

"Nothing. I just think it would be funny to see their reactions if they woke up now." I whispered.

Jayda tried to stifle her laughs. Jayda continued to relax her muscles under my touch. Finally, just as we finished up 20 minutes later, everyone began to awake. It was now 8:30.

"How long have you guys been up?" Louis yawned.

"I've been up for about an hour and a half. Homeboy over her been up an hour." Jayda laughed.

"Homeboy?" I said, shaking my head.

"Okay Jayda, I need to see how far you've dilated. These babies can come any second now."

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