Chapter 7, "Not myself"

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The next day!!!

Jayda's POV

I woke up the next morning a bit drowsy but overall I was okay. I noticed how there was so much space between Harry and I and I felt bad. I didn't mean to push him away but I don't know how to be around him anymore. I'm not just his fiancé, I'm also the mother of his child. If he's even ready for that.

"Good morning," he said calmly.

"Hey, I didn't know you were up."

"Didn't sleep well," he sighed.

"Me neither," I said guilty. "Harry I don't want to push you away but theres some things I just have to deal with alone right now."

"That's not how it works."

"What do you mean?"

"We work things out together, that's how it is for us and now suddenly you want to face things alone? I don't buy it," he snapped.

"Fine," I shrugged getting out the bed.

"Where are you going?"

"To shower, ALONE. Maybe it's time for us to do things on our own," I said harshly, slamming the door.

I stood with my back against the door crying. I know he probably thinks I'm just being cruel right now but I'm hurting more than he knows.

I got into the shower sadly, bathing and hopping right out. I threw on some jeans and a hoodie despite the fact that we have an interview today. I couldn't dress the part if I wasn't feeling it.

Harry must've went to the other bathroom because he was fully clothed and ready to go. I looked over at him as he sat on the bed looking so hopeless.

"Jayda why can't you talk to me?"

"Harry, don't."

"No Jayda, I'm not leaving this alone. There's something wrong with us and we need to fix it or at least talk about."

"Harry just leave it alone," I snapped.


I picked up the keys tossing them at him, "Let's go."

Harry angrily got off the bed, walking out the door. I followed behind him wanting to cry but I held it in.

We got in silently and drove all the way to meet the guys and Mr. Lane. I wanted to say a million things to him but nothing came out.

Once we arrived, the guys were already at the studio waiting outside. I took a deep breath plastering on a good mood that I hoped would work.

Harry slammed the door, walking off without me.

"There's my sister," Louis greeted, giving me a hug.

"Hey," I smiled.

"You okay? You look a bit different darling," he said, checking me out.

"How so ?" I asked nervously.

"You just look down, Harry?..."

I watched as Harry shrugged his shoulders keeping quiet. I chuckled because I don't blame him.

"Sorry, hey guys," I said, hugging Niall, Liam and Zayn.

It was totally awkward considering everyone was trying to figure me out.

"Ready to do this?" Mr. Lane said opening the door.

I walked in first followed by the boys. Each one of us took a seat in the podcast chairs spread out around the table. We all had to put on a headset and speak into the microphone.

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