Chapter 1, "A year later"

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Harry's POV


"Till death do us part?..." I asked.

"Harry.... what..."

"I know I don't have a ring but I'll get you the best one, I'll get you a million rings but Jayda I can't see myself with anyone else. You're it for me Jayda Matthews," I smiled.

"I don't know what to say..," she cried.

"Babe you just have to say 5 words," I chuckled.

"I can't," she cried. I put my head down saddened by her words.

What was I thinking.

"I do," she said wiping at her eyes. I quickly lifted my head up looking into her eyes.


"Till death do us part," she smiled. I lifted her up spinning her in circles as we kissed.

"So we're getting married?" I asked.

"We're getting married H," she yelled.

I smiled hardly, spinning her around once more.

"We're getting married," I cried joyfully.

I switched Jayda over so she was now on my back as we left Zayns room.

"We're getting married," we screamed going down the halls.

The boys soon woke up coming to see what the chaos was about.

"What in skulls island is going on here?" Louis asked rubbing his eyes.

"We're getting married," Jayda and I smiled.

"Married? What? This isn't a time for games lads," Louis streaked.

"You've got to be kidding me," Liam sighed.

"Guys! Wake up! Harry's getting married," Niall yelled.

I watched as the boys eyes widened as they came to the reality that this was real.

"Omg," Louis yelled, hugging us both.

"Jayda and Harry are getting married," Louis jumped.

Jayda got off my back as we all went around hugging each other, screaming and smiling. This had to be one of the happiest moments of my life.

I immediately FaceTimed my mom to tell her the news.

"Harry what's wrong it's the middle of the night babe," she said, flicking on her lamp.

"Mom, I'm getting married," I smiled, with joy.

"What?" She smiled.

Jayda got in the camera with a smile confirming it, making my Mum start crying.

"You guys are getting married.. oh I'm so happy," she cried.

"Thank you Ms. Twist," Jayda gushed.

"No Jayda it's Mum," she smiled.

I smiled at my mom seeing as how happy she was for me.

"Mom go back to sleep, I just wanted to tell you the news. I'll see you soon."

"Congratulations, I love you son and I'm glad you're happy."

"Thanks mom, love you too," I said hanging up the phone.

"This calls for a celebration," Louis said running off to the bar followed by Niall and Jayda.

"Congratulations Harry, I couldn't be happier," Zayn smiled. I pulled him in for a hug.

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