Chapter 21, "You look happy"

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2 Weeks Later!!!

Harry's POV

"Ughhh," Jayda groaned from the bathroom.

I laughed to myself as she appeared out.

"It's funny?" She asked slightly angered.

"No," I shook my head firmly trying not to get in her bad side today.

"You try being pregnant and looking like a ballon," she remarked.

"Baby you don't look like a ballon, you look perfect."

"You've been telling me the same lie everyday for the past 2 weeks."

"It's true," I said, walking over to hug her. I wrapped my hands around her shoulders causing her to get out of my grasp.

"We have to go," she frowned.

I wanted to say something but I knew she was moody right now and my best ought was to let her be. I honestly get confused these days because one minute she's moody and angry and the next minute she's horny... I lose track.

"Today should be fun," I chuckled.

"I guess," she sighed. I smiled at her before grabbing the keys.

We left the house and headed to the Guardian Studio to meet up with the boys. I wasn't too eager about this interview because lately we've just been making music and enjoying ourself without the world really knowing what's going on in our lives, but I guess it's time.

When we showed up the boys were already there as usual. Jayda and I greeted them before we headed in followed by management. It didn't take long for them to stick a mic down our shirt and usher us to our seats.

"You okay," I asked Jayda.

"Yeah babe I'm fine," she nodded.

After a couple minutes of waiting they finally decided to begin the interview.

"We're live in 3, 2, 1."

"Hello everyone, I'm Carl and today we have One Direction and a new addition to the crew, Jayda Styles everyone," Carl spoke.

The audience applauded as we all gave a friendly smile and wave.

"How you been guys," Carl asked.

"We've actually been good man, you know just living our lives, having fun, it's actually been great and I think we can all say it's one of the best times we've had in a while," Liam started.

We all nodded and agreed because once you get Liam started there's no stopping.

"That's nice to hear," Carl smiled.

"A big congratulations to the both of you, I heard you got married in Hawaii," Carl exclaimed.

"Thank you," Jayda smiled.

"Yeah everything was nice and perfect. Louis really surprised us," I grinned.

"So you had no idea what was going on?" Carl asked.

"Nope," Jayda shook her head.

"Wow, and all of you were there?" he asked the other boys.

"Of course, Louis wouldn't have had it any other way," Zayn answered.

"That's true," Louis smirked. The audience awed him as he gave them a wink.

"Well I'm glad you guys enjoyed it, big congratulations," Carl smiled causing the audience to clap.

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