Chapter 2, "Down Time"

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Jayda's POV

Finally, the boys were done with their promoting. Now, we could finally head back home. It's honestly so surprising to me that everyone has been so supportive of Harry's and I decision, even my family. I mean don't get me wrong, at first they thought we were crazy, but when I explained that we were taking time to joy the engagement they understood.

I mean of course there are always nay sayers, but Harry is the love of my life. It didn't take me long to figure that out. After a year of this wonderful stage, I'm ready to make it official official.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Harry gleamed.

We were on our flight back to London. The rest of the boys were sound asleep, as we laid awake. Well, I thought Harry had joined them, but clearly I was wrong.

"I'm just so happy," I said, snuggling up to him.

"You are the reason for my happiness, darling." He boasted proudly.

"Till death do us part?"

"Till death do us part," he said, kissing me on my forehead.

We both instantly fell asleep.


"Ahhhh. I feel like a brand new person after that nap," Louis yelled, getting off the plane.

"Nap? Mate that was literally almost a whole day," Niall informed him.

"Ohh shut up," he said, rolling his eyes.

Harry helped me off the plane like the gentleman he is.

"Thank you."

"Well of course my love."

We laughed as the boys made faces of disgust.

"I don't know about y'all, but I'm starving." Liam said, while rubbing his stomach.

"Liam mate, it's 5 in the am." Zayn reacted.

"Your point..." Liam laughed.

"To be fair, I am too." Harry admitted.

"Well of course you are," I remarked.

The boys and I laughed endlessly.

"So what shall it be? It's on me tonight," I stated, feeling extra generous.

"Well in that case, I want the biggest lobster you can find and the finest wine in the country," Louis joked, I hope.

"Jayda, you don't have to." Harry said worryingly.

"It's fine. I actually have some news to share with y'all, so hurry and pick whatever's open."

We drove around for what felt like hours until the boys finally picked the nearest 24 hour burger joint, which just happened to be my favorite.

The boys definitely went on a hunger splurge, but I didn't mind at all.

After a bit of banter and the boys stuffing their faces like wild animals. Louis finally asked what was the big news.

"Don't tell us you're pregnant," Liam blurted out.

Harry nearly choked on his burger. I patted his back to make sure he didn't die in front of us all.

"No. No I'm not pregnant," I assured him.

He gave me a reassuring smile and mouthed sorry. I could tel they boys were trying to stifle their laughs.

"Anyways, um I've just gotten a major promotion with my internship, and your label asked me to become more involved with organizing your interviews and such."

"Really? That's absolutely amazing Jayda," Louis clapped.

"Yea, they said I would be paid for it if I took the job, but I wanted to ask you guys first. Just to make sure it was okay with y'all."

"Are you kidding me? We would actually have fun at our interviews if you were there. Plus you could be here for all out tours and bus rides," Niall added on.

"Yea I think it would be amazing to have you with us," Zayn agreed, as Liam nodded his head along.

"Plus, Eleanor would love it."

"Harry?" I questioned.

"Hmm?" He said looking up from his plate.

"Are you okay with this?" I couldn't really get ahold of his reaction.

"Of course I am, plus I already knew because I'm the one who suggested it," he said proudly.


"Yea. I mean they were already thinking of it, but I just edged them to do it. Are you mad?"

My heart was fluttering with love.

"Mad? Are you serious right now? Thank you thank yo thank you," I said showering him in kisses.

"Hey! Not at the table please. There are others here you know?" Louis scolded.

"Sorry," I said embarrassed.

Harry's POV

Back at home...

Jayda and I decided to go back to my place for the night. We laid in the bed cuddling, while watching Jayda's favorite show, "Grey's Anatomy". Boy did she love this show, even now.

I loved watching her react like it was her first time seeing the episodes, even though she's already seen the series like a hundred times.

"Harry?" she said, focusing her eyes into mines. Even though I was already admiring her features.

"Yes love?"

"I'm ready to start planning the wedding. I just don't want to wait any longer."

"You sure? It'll be a really busy time and you just took on 2 more commitments."

"I know, but we both know we're always going to be busy. There's never going to be a perfect time other than now. The perfect time is when we're in the moment. And my moments are always perfect when I'm with you, so I don't want to wait another year or so."

I could see the thrill and excitement in her eyes. Her voice was filled with sincerity. I pulled her forehead to mine.

"Okay. We'll tell the boys tomorrow. I can't wait."

"Really? You mean it?" She blushed.

"Of course. Anything to make you happy." I said, kissing her on the bridge of her nose.

"Till death do us part?"

"Till death do us part..." I said, ushering her body into mines.

And with that, we peacefully ended the night.

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