Chapter 13, "Finalizing the date"

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Harry's POV

The car drove so smoothly up and down the streets of Cheshire. We had been driving for about 2 hours now; the sun beginning to come up.

I parked back in front of the house but before I could get out, Jayda grabbed my arm.

"Wait. They're all sleeping. I don't want to wake them up."

"Why would we wake them-" I started, but quickly caught on to what she was saying.

"Mmhmm," she said, nodding her head.

We both got out the car heading towards my other range truck. We shuffled into the back seat, and slid the front seats up allowing us to have more space.

"I just realized something," Jayda said.

"And what would that be?" I asked, taking off my shirt and placing a kiss on her lips.

She moaned in pleasure.

"We've never done it in a car before," she laughed.

"We haven't?" I asked, pulling away.


"Well I guess we'll have to fix that." I smirked.

I helped her remove her dress. The only clothing she had left was a bra in which I quickly unclamped. My pants and boxers were already removed as I slid my cock into her with ease. Her wetness never left apparently.

She moaned loudly. We could be as loud as we wanted to now that everyone was inside and asleep.

I drove my hips into her even faster. Her moans bouncing off the windows of the car. I kissed her as I did so, my pace never stopping. I pulled out bending down to her wet spot. I began to lick away as her flavor was now on my tongue.

She continued to moan; running her hands wildly in my hair. I returned back to my stroke. It didn't take us long for us to reach our climax. We both finished, panting heavily.

"I have an idea," I said.

"Hmm?" she asked, her hands running through my hair as I laid on her bare chest.

"Should we try this in the new car?"

Her eyes popped open as we excitedly grabbed our clothes. Our naked bodies sprinting to the other car as we giggled.

Jayda immediately got on top and began to ride. My head tilted back as I released a groan. The sound of our bodies colliding made the moment even hotter. Jayda moaned each time my length filled her body.

That was enough to make me climax, Jayda doing the same on top of me.

We sort of put our clothes on and tip toed inside the house straight to the room. The gesture made me think of the movies about sneaking boys into the house.

We cuddled up and went asleep almost instantly.

The next morning....

We all sat at the breakfast table. My mum and Jayda had gotten up before everyone and made a big breakfast for everyone.

We all sat at the table laughing and telling stories.

"Hey, Jayda and I wanted to ask you all something," I started.

"Oh right. We wanted to know if y'all wanted to come to Hawaii with us. I don't want us to just disappear before the wedding in a couple of weeks."

"Are you guys serious?" my mum said, her eyes beginning to tear up.

"Yes mum. So what do y'all say? We can leave tomorrow since the boys and I have the rest of the week off."

"I would love to. Is it alright if I bring Eleanor?" Louis asked.

"Of course. Bring whom y'all would like. But we should begin packing. We have an early flight." Jayda said, picking up all of our empty plates.

"Sound great!" Gemma said, "So y'all finished planning the wedding?"

"Yup, thanks to the help of Louis. All that's left to do is...well do it," Jayda laughed to herself.

For the rest of the day, everyone went home to pack. Jayda and I did as well. Her mostly packing for me since I had no idea what to bring.

"This should be fun don't you think?" she asked.

"It should. I must admit though, I will be taking a huge nap on the plane."

"You and me both," she admitted.

We binged watched a couple of shows before finally falling asleep for the night.

4:00am the next day...

Jayda's POV

Our flight was at 7, so I had to make sure everyone was here on time. I struggled to get Harry up as usual, but he finally got up.

"Shower...." he mumbled.

I laughed in response.

"Okay, but hurry. Everyone should be here soon."

I did some final packing as I awaited for Harry to get out the shower. I already took mines, so I continued to watch some t.v while waiting.

An hour later....

"About time," I teased.

"Sorry babe...I'm just soooo tired..." he expressed lazily.

"Aww come here baby. My poor sweet baby," I smiled, taking his head into my lap.

Just then, the doorbell rang.

"You lay here, I'll get it," I said, kissing his forehead.

I opened the door to find all the boys, Harry's mum, and Gemma.

"Hello love, how are you?" Louis cheered.

I could instantly tell he was a morning person.

"I'm good. Come in, come in." I said, giving each of them a hug as they strolled in.

"Where's my son?" Anne asked cheerfully.

"He's still tired. We're practically going to have to drag him out," I joked.

"Oh my. Have I taught him nothing? How is it that you're the one expecting and he's acting like the baby?" she laughed.

"Oh it's no problem. I'll go get him."

I walked back into the room to find Harry knocked out again.

"Baby," I whined, "come on. It's almost 6."

"I'm up....I'm...up..."

He got up and rolled out suitcases out the room. I grabbed our duffle bags and followed behind him.

"Okay. Everybody load up!" Louis shouted.

With that, we strolled out and prepared for the 30 minute drive to the airport.

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