Chapter 3, "Big Plans"

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Harry's POV

The next day...

Jayda and I were on our way to Louis's place to tell the boys the news. I'm so happy that Jayda decided that she didn't want to wait. Don't get me wrong, I'm not in a rush because I know she's mine, but at the same time I just want it to be official.

"I love you," she said, turning her head towards me as I drove.

"I love you too. What made you say that?" I asked, not that I was complaining. I'd tell her a thousand times if I got the chance.

"I just wanted you to know. I love you with everything in me H. Every single fiber inside my body," she gushed, squeezing my hand in hers.

She leaned over giving me a kiss on the cheek. Just then, we pulled into Louis's.

"Well hello sunshines," he greeted.

"Hey Louis," Jayda greeted him, giving him a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"Someone's in a good mood today." He laughed.

I greeted him with a hug as well as the other boys entered the doorway. Jayda giving them all the same greeting.

"How is everyone? Have y'all ate already?" She asked.

"Nope. We were just about to order something," Liam informed.

"No worries, I'll make something." Jayda offered.

We all made our way towards the kitchen. As Jayda began to pull out different ingredients, I began to inform the boys of our plan.

"So, Jayda and I have decided we don't want to wait any longer for the wedding."

"Really? That's amazing mate!" Niall rooted.

"Yeah truly. So when do we start planning?" Louis asked.

I could hear Jayda try and muzzle her laugh.

"Guys, there's one problem," she started, "I only have one bridesmaid. Well two problems actually. I don't have anyone to walk me down the aisle."

"Why won't your dad?" Zayn questioned.

Jayda's smile disappeared quickly.

"Um...he doesn't really support Harry and I's decision. I'm pretty sure my mom and my brothers are the only ones actually coming."

"No biggy Jayda," Louis said heading towards her, throwing his arm around her shoulder in comfort, "I'll walk you down. Then, Zayn and Eleanor can stand by your side and Niall and I will stand by Harry's."

Jayda pulled Louis into a loving hug.

"Thank you Louis. Honestly your support means so much to Harry and I," she said, gesturing me to come near her.

I walked behind her wrapping my arms around her waist, giving her a kiss on the cheek.

"Okay great! I'll inform Eleanor so y'all can go bridal shopping. And guys, don't worry about any wedding expenses. I'll cover everything," Louis insisted.

The other boys looked just as surprised as Harry and I.

"Louis, we can't ask you to do that," Jayda said.

"That's because you're not. I'm telling you," he laughed.

I removed myself from Jayda giving him a big hug.

"Thanks mate!"

"Of course. I'm giving my two favorite people away to each other. I have to be apart of that. No offense boys," he said, looking back at the others.

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