Chapter 34, "Oh dear lord"

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"So are we talking to him or not?" Liam asked.

"Lane is an asshole but I'm pretty sure we can reason with him," Niall shrugged.

"What about Simon?" I asked.

"Right, I forgot about that imbecile," Liam sighed.

"Honestly I think we've got this. We aren't kids anymore so they either here what we have to say or they don't," Zayn shrugged.

We all nodded in agreement.

Within the next hour, we took the time to get dressed to rehearsal.

"I can stay here you know?" Jayda said softly.



"I said no."

"I said yes."

"Why are you joking?" I sighed.

"I'm not," she said innocently.

"Come on" I said ushering her to the living room.

This whole talk with management has me on edge and I'm just ready to get it over with so the boys and I can focus on what really matters.

"She'll be okay there?" asked Liam.

"Well you know I'm not leaving her here," I snapped without even realizing it.

"H, calm down mate. We know," Louis assured me.

"Sorry, let's just go," I sighed. Jayda held my hand, calming me.

We all strutted to the truck, getting in. The driver quickly drove us to the studio while we sat in the back talking about everything besides this damn band.

I liked how we were actually brothers and the band wasn't the only thing keeping us together. We had separate lives and friendships outside of it and that was enough for me.

After a not so long ride we arrived at the studio. We immediately went to our rehearsal room just to get started. I tried to take less breaks as possible to check on Jayda even though she was sitting right across the room in the couch.

"Harry I swear if you bother me again," she warned.

"So you're okay?"

"I've been okay this whole damn time, now don't come back over here again," she threatened.

"Alright," I said in defeat.

"Lane and Simon will see you now," an assistant told us.

The boys and I followed him as he led us to the conference room.

"Take a seat boys," Simon said.

The assistant closed the door once we were all seated around the table.

"Now what's on your mind?" Simon grinned.

"Why don't you ask Lane," I said.

Louis gave me look telling me to calm down. I shrugged because I hadn't even started yet.

"So this is about the other day when he informed you guys that you were going under," Simon spoke.

"Except we're not," Zayn said.

"Your show was cancelled, you haven't had another one. Rehearsal is slow," Lane said basically spelling out all the words.

"The show being cancelled wasn't our fault. Those were Harry's kids and wife that got hurt, what'd you expect?" Liam asked.

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