Chapter 32, "Remember"

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Jayda's POV

(in her mind)

I'm so tired. I haven't done anything wrong to anybody. Why do they hate me so much? Is it my skin that bothers them? Is it just because it's me? Is it my age? I just want to know answers. I can't express the love I feel for Harry, but maybe if I just rest, it'll be better for both of us. Rest forever. Can he bring me back? Does he even want me back? I don't know how much more I can take from this world. All I wanted was a little happiness and this is what I get. Why me?

Harry's POV

I looked over Jayda's sleeping body. Well at least I wanted to see it as if she was sleep. I immediately gained flashbacks of where it all begun....


"Urm hey...are you okay?"

"Yeah, some people are just jerks."

I remembered every happy moment as I looked down at her. I remember her telling me that the world was against us, but I didn't listen to her. I remember the first time I told her I loved her....

"I love you Jayda."

I remember her expression going blank. I remember the silence that filled the room, and I remember apologizing for it.

"I'm sorry, I know it's too soon and I'm sorry but I do mean it."

"No it's not that. No boy has ever told me that before, it's surprising."

"I love you Harry."

She made me feel like a teenager again. She asked me what we were going to do about the rest of the world and I said...

"I don't know but we love each other right?"


"Then we'll figure it out, whatever it takes."

"Whatever it takes."

That was my first promise to her. Whatever it takes. I have a new promise now, till death do us part. I'm looking over her body speechless not sure what to say, but remembering all our happy moments. The first time she pulled me into a hug after I got her that laptop that she still uses till this day. I laugh every time because she still claims she will pay me back, but she already has.

I remember the first time we kissed. How I pressed our faces together after she told me she loved me again. The night Zayn tried to make a move on her, but none of that mattered in that moment because we loved each other. We love each other. Our first kiss is something I'll never forget.

"I'm ready to go wherever you go."

And that's exactly what she did.

Jayda's POV

My body was still shut down and I know all it needed was a little push. Where's Harry? I thought. Is he even here? My mind went back to the very beginning. All of our firsts together, which were really my first. I've never experienced anything like what I do with him. Has he? I miss him so much. I just want to hear his voice.

Harry's POV

I remember our first time together. That was a magical night. Maybe it was because she wanted me as much as I wanted her, or because it was just an exciting moment in general. How she wasn't sure if she was doing good, but she's the best I've ever had. How I knew it hurt, but she didn't want me to stop.

But before, I remember how she moved her hand across my chest so delicately just to tease me. I soaked in the thought that I have been the only one. I've always been the only one for her. I remember joking about her not being able to walk the next day. All the glorious memories came flowing back to me.

"I'm pregnant."

"I love you Harry."

"We're having twins Harry!"

"Till death do us part"

"The world is against us"

"What are we Harry?"

"Whatever it takes"


"I want to die"

"I trust you..."

I remember everything. She is my everything and it's time for me to say something.

"Jayda baby. I need you to listen to me. I'm right here okay? I'm sorry for everything and I know you didn't ask for any of this, but I love you. And know I don't say it enough or show it enough, but I do. You brought me back. You taught me more about myself and I thank you for it. I remember everything Jayda. I remember how happy we were. How excited we were because this was new. Jayda...I've always been your only. Your first. I want you to know that you are my only. You are my first in ways you can't even comprehend. My first love, my first wife, and only. My first mother of my child. Jayda you are my only love. You will always be my only love. Please baby, come back to me...."

Jayda's POV

I could hear a voice, but I couldn't exactly make it out. Harry?

"Come back to me."

"Please come back to me."

Harry's POV

"Jayda. This is the time. Come back to me. I need you to come back to me."

I stared at her in silence. What if she's gone. No. I'm not giving up on her. Not now, not ever.

"Jayda. Please. Get up."

My head laid on her shoulder, my hand in hers. Tears were strolling down my face when I suddenly felt a twitch. My eyes shot up to meet Jayda's. Tears rolling down her face as well. She blinked rapidly.

"Harry?" she cried.

"Hey. Hey, I'm here. You came back to me."

"Yea, yea. I guess I did. Harry I didn't mean it. I don't want to go. I don't want to be without you."

"I know baby. I know. But I won't force you to do anything. You given so much for me Jayda. It's your you still want this? Do you still want me?"

Silence filled the room.

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