Chapter 11 "Chaos"

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Harry's POV

A month later....

I watched as Jayda's breast got bigger within the last two months of finding out. She grew more and more hormonal everyday, but everyone was beginning to adjust to the mood swings. During this pregnancy, her love for food was really the biggest thing that was amplified.

Management was kind of supportive of it all. They really didn't care as long as it didn't affect work. We didn't have as much time off as we have hoped though, and I was worried they were running my fiancé wild.

"You okay?" I whispered, as we sat at the press conference table.

"Yeah, my feet just hurt a lot," she sighed.

Her stomach was beginning to improve day by day, which made her even more stressed about the wedding. She repeatedly would whine that I did this her, in which I would reply that she let me.

She was so scared of not fitting into her dress and looking like a stuffed turkey standing up at the alter.

"It's almost over," I assured her as the question went on.

I was worried about her having so much responsibility. I don't want it to cause any issues for the baby.

"So, Harry and Jayda, how are things going with the wedding plans?"

We respectfully asked the interviewer, David, not to bring up the pregnancy just yet. We've gotten this far without the press knowing.

"Things are going great actually. Um...sorry...but um yeah we're almost done getting things in order so hopefully it'll be happening soon," Jayda replied.

I began to rub her back knowing she was beginning to have cramps. Thank god this was just the radio and not a area full of people.

"Yeah, as she said, things are going great. The excitement builds up day by day." I add on.

Finally, the interview ended and we had the rest of the week to ourselves.

"You alright love?" Louis asked looking concerned.

"Yeah, I just need to go home and lie down. Actually, I'm quite hungry. Can we get some food?"

We all began to laugh at the familiar saying.

"Of course. What would you like?" I ask, helping her stand.

Her little bump was so cute on her curvy body.


"Absolutely," I chimed.

As we were heading out the place, Lane stopped us at the doorway.

"Hey Jayda, could you come to the office later on today? We need to settle some plans for next week."

"Yeah sure," Jayda sighed.

"Mr. Lane, I don't think that's a good idea. Could she just have today off?" I asked in hope.

"We really need to settle this Harry." he said sternly.

"I'm sorry Lane, but not today. I'm sure y'all can handle a few conference set ups for next week." Louis agreed.

"Fine. Get some rest. I'll see y'all next week."

"Thanks guys, but I could've went."

"Not a chance. You're putting too much on yourself. You're still early in your pregnancy, so you need to be careful." I told her.

Jayda simply nodded as we all stuffed into the car. Louis deciding to drive us. We all ended up ordering something along with Jayda. We laughed as she had already began digging into her bag.

Jayda's POV

March 1st...

With the boys being booked all February, we didn't get the chance to celebrate Harry's birthday as I would have liked to. That's why his mother and I have been in close contact so we can celebrate his birthday properly.

I feel like the past year, most of the attention has been on me and now, I want to do something for my husband to be. I even was able to get Gemma, Harry's sister, to come. Everyone knows about my plan other than Harry himself.

Each day I was getting bigger, so I'm glad that this was planned ahead of time. I was now 12 weeks in and I was actually feeling good.

"Baby," I whined.

"Yes love?"

We were laying in the bed snuggled up, but I need a way to get him out the house for a couple of hours.

"I'm sorry to bother you, but I need you to go run some errands for me. Could you?"

"Yeah, what do you need done?"

"I would myself, but I'm cramping badly you know?" I said, motioning towards the medium sized bump.

Thankfully, it wasn't too noticeable just yet, so we still had time to incorporate this wedding somehow.

"Baby, it's fine. What do you need done?"


"It's a lot, so I'll send you a text. Take your time." I said, as he began to get dress.

"Okay...I'll text you once I'm back," he informed, kissing me on the head before leaving the room.

I waited until I finally heard the front door closed before springing out of the bed and straight into the kitchen. Anne and Gemma should be arriving soon to help me prepare the food. Then, the boys will come set up the house.

Harry's POV

4 hours later...

Jayda basically sent me on a wild goose chase. She had me doing all these wedding preparations and frankly, I had no idea what I was doing.

Most of this stuff was on the other side of the town. Finally, after hours of driving around, I was finished. I was still like an hour from home and night fall was beginning to come in. It was only 6, so I should be home soon.

I whipped out my phone and called Jayda.

Me: Hey babe, I'm done with everything and am on the way home. Are you hungry?

Jayda: I prepared us a dinner. Could you wait out? How far are you?

Me: About an hour and a half out. I can wait. I'll see you once I'm back. Love you.

Jayda: Okay, love you too.

She quickly hung up the phone. Hmm. That was weird. I made my way home playing a couple tunes to keep me from worrying.

Jayda's POV

"Okay everyone! Harry will be here in about an hour. I just want to thank everyone for pitching in and helping me with this. I know this will mean a lot to him," I said, beginning to tear up a bit.

"Of course darling, he will be overjoyed once he sees all of this," Anne said, giving me a hug.

"I also want to thank Gemma especially for making time to be here. I hope you love me as much as I love your family."

"Trust me I do. I've never seen my brother so happy. I'm glad you're the one that's making him feel like this." she said, also giving me a warm hug, " and I can't wait for this little one to get here."

"Oh please. Don't rush it. I'm sure they can hear it," I laughed.

"Alright, alright. That's enough. Could I have my sister back?" Louis joked.

"Ah yes, and finally. Louis. Thank you so much for everything. Your support, help, just everything. I wish there was a way for me to repay you."

"You already are," he smiled, "you're making Harry the happiest man alive. That's enough for me."

We all went around hugging and checking last details when we heard Harry's car pull up.

"Babe, I don't know what exactly it is you had me buy and what not, but I was really confused."



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