Chapter 27, "Leave"

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Kara quickly drove off..

"Baby are you okay?" Jayda asked softly.

I barely heard her words, the only thing I could hear was that voice.

"Harry's going to be the worst father ever."

Why would someone say that? Is that true? I don't want to be the worst father ever but their right, I could be.

"Harry, Harry," I heard Jayda continue to call out.

I wanted to say something but I couldn't. My chest burned and my eyes hurt. I felt Jaydas cold hands wipe away at my eyes, I must've been crying.

Everything was so dazed and blurry. I barely remembered anything. I've never felt so damaged and wounded. I usually ignore paps and what they have to say but this one burned.

Jayda stopped pestering me, resting her head on my shoulder. I'm glad she was here but maybe she should take the mans advice and leave, he's right. I will be the worst father ever.

3 days later....

Jayda's POV

It's been a couple days since we went on that lunch date and everything went to hell. I still couldn't quite wrap my head around what went down with the paps but it really messed Harry up.

He's been coming home drunk everyday and night. Hell he's barely here. He hasn't said two words to me at all. Zayn and Kara tried talking to him but it was no luck. Louis and Eleanor are on a baecation for a while so it's just him and I at the house and like I said he doesn't talk to me.

I know that comment about him being the worst father really got into his head but he knows that isn't true. He's already the best human so there's no doubt in my mind he won't be the best father.

I heard the front door swing open, so I quickly went into the living room to find a drunken Harry waltzing in with a bottle in his hand.

He walked right past me and into our bedroom. I shook my head following after him.

"Harry seriously , it's been days. You need to stop drinking," I said calmly.

"Mhm," he shook his head.

"Baby what's wrong, you can talk to me. You know what that guy said wasn't true," I sighed.

He took off his coat, slinging it across the room. He wobbled towards me with a mischievous smirk.

"Less talking, more..." he said, bringing his lips hungrily onto mine.

"Harry, stop," I said, breaking the kiss and pushing his chest.

"Kiss me," he growled.

"No," I said in disgust.

"Fine... I'll.."

"You'll what?" I interrupted him. He gave me a smirk wiping away at the corner of his lips.

I wanted to punch some sense into him. This is the worst he's been out of all his drunken nights and I simply need him to come back to the Harry I know.

"Harry... we can talk about this," I sighed. "Please, I need you."

"Didn't I say I don't want to talk," he said, trying to grab me.

"Move," I pushed. He shrugged, turning up the bottle.

"Harry put the bottle down."


"Harry is this the example you want to set for your kids?"

"What kids?" He laughed.

"It's not fucking funny," I snapped.

"But it is," he continued to laugh.

"You idiot," I yelled.

"You want to say that again," he threatened.

"I will, am I supposed to be scared? Seriously? Harry"

"Learn how to talk to your husband," he pointed.

"You are not my husband. I don't know who the fuck you are."

"Shut up," he sighed, taking a seat on the bed.

I don't even know what to do. It seems like Harry's gone and that can't be. I can't raise two kids alone. I wish he would just realize how he's acting and come back to his senses.

"Harry I'm going to leave," I sighed. "I can't be here with you while you're acting like this."


"What did you just say?"

"I said finally," he repeated.

"What the hell does that mean? Were you waiting on this or something?"

He nodded.

"You are unbelievable. Who are you right now?" I said, tears rolling down my eyes.

"The person I've been all along," he smiled. Except it was something behind his eyes, darkness.

"I'm not leaving Harry."

"Yes you are."

"No I'm not, and you can't make me."

"Fucking leave Jayda," he shouted, throwing the bottle to the wall.

I watched as the glass shattered, He's trying to scare me away. I sighed walking over to pick up the mess.

"Leave it," he demanded. I carried on picking up bits and pieces when I felt Harry's hand tug on me.

"Just go," he said, swiftly pushing me back.

I held in my cry, grabbing my phone. I hurried and called Zayn to come and pick me up. He arrived no less than 20 minutes later.

I waited outside until he pulled up, opening the car door for me. I got in helplessly.

"I'm sorry Jayda," Zayn sighed.

I shook my head letting out the cry I held in. Zayn drove letting me get all my tears out. I didn't want to cry because I knew the kids could feel it but I had no choice.

I need my husband back.

Harry's POV

Jayda finally left. She left. I know I pushed her too but I did it for her own good. That man said she needed to leave me too and now she's finally gone.

I sat on the bed angrily. I hate that I had to hurt her the way I did but how else was I going to get her to leave me. I'm no good for anyone. I wanted to be the best thing ever to her, the kids, my friends, my family but I can't.

I'm ruined. I'm broken. There's no mending what I feel or who I am. Jayda saved me from myself once. Now, I'm going under and this time I feel there's no one to save me. This all or nothing really got a way of driving me crazy.

I went into the kitchen to grab another bottle. I'll just drank myself to death, there's no way out of this..

Jaydas POV

Zayn settled me into one of the rooms in his house. Kara wasn't here yet because she was coaching her dance team but I really wish she was.

I can't really comprehend how I feel right now but I'm trying to keep it together for the sake of the babies. I don't want to stress out because that could potentially hurt them or lead to much worse things.

"He'll be okay," I assured myself before falling asleep..

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