Chapter 33, "Management"

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"Babyyyyyy," Harry sung beautifully, walking in the door.

I shook my head while also blushing, how can I resist his voice.

"I know you want to leave so baby come on be with me, so happily," he smiled.

"I am with you," I cooed.

"And I couldn't be happier," he said, placing a kiss on my forehead.

"Weren't you supposed to be out there rehearsing with the boys?"

"I missed you," he frowned.

"It was 2 minutes," I laughed. His eyebrow frowned as he thought about it.

"Huh," he laughed.

All I could do was shake my head. He hadn't left my side since the day I got out of the hospital. I appreciate his undying effort and devotion to me but I didn't need this much attention.


"I know baby. I know. But I won't force you to do anything. You've given so much for me Jayda. It's your choice..... do you still want this? Do you still want me?"

I looked up at Harry's deep green eyes filled with sorrow. It seems we're always in these situations with each other. I can't give him up and I don't intend to. We're married, I'm married! I would've never taken this step with anyone else but with him there was no hesitation.

"Harry...." I exhaled.

"Jayda... it's okay. I promise I'll understand. I deserve it..." he said turning around to wipe his tears.

I hated seeing him in pain. I felt more pain seeing him like this than I did when I got pushed. That's how I know, I can't give this man up.

"Harry you can't blame yourself for everything that happens to me."

He tugged at his hair, "But it's my fault Jayda. None of this would've happened to you if you didn't know me."


"I broke you," he weeped.

"Dammit Harry stop it!" I yelled even though it wasn't that loud.

"I'm sorry.." he mumbled.

"Harry you didn't break me. All of this isn't your fault so stop blaming yourself! You said it was my choice so stop trying to make it for me! Don't you get it, you're it for me. There's no life after you! I chose this life with you, I married you! I promised you "whatever it takes" and "till death do us part" so you ask me if I still want this, the answer is yes! It will always be yes, I want this and you, always and forever."

He looked at me astounded by my words but they were true. I don't care what happened to me or what the world did because him being in my corner was the best thing that could've ever happened to me and that was enough to keep me going.

"Darling... I don't have the words to tell you how much I love you but you're my life. I swear to you from this day forward, you won't regret a single day of being with me. I will do all I have to, it's me and you, nobody else," he promised.

"Nobody else," I smiled, squeezing his hand.

He climbed into the hospital bed next to me just as he always does. It's not a good thing that I'm always here but Harry being here with me is a feeling a long for during these times.

We really love each other and I do believe we're in it for the long run because I know I am. This is it for me there's no one else who can make me happy and if there is, I don't want to see it. So shall I stay on this path even though it continues to hurt me?

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