Chapter 19, "Honeymoon Stage"

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Harry's POV

I rolled over towards Jayda after catching my breath to find her already looking up at me. She looked so small and cute looking up at me with those eyes. She was like an angel....for the most part.

"You make me so happy you know that?" she smiled.

"I would hope so considering we just got married," I laughed, snuggling her into me.

"I mean it. Harry, you saved me from myself. I'll love you forever and some," she hummed.

"Me too baby, me too. The truth though is that you saved me. And now, I get the rest of my life to thank you for it," I said, reaching down to kiss her cheek.

She moved her leg on top of my stomach and snuggled more into my chest. I moved the covers on top of us. I held her, as she began to fall asleep. I swear there's not enough words in the world to express my love for this girl. I soon followed after her as I nuzzled my face into her hair.

The next morning....

As I woke up, I found myself alone in bed. The shower wasn't on, so I knew Jayda wasn't in the bathroom. I was too tired to get up, so I just waited for her to reappear. Sure enough, she waddled back into the room with a large plate of food and a glass filled with orange juice.

"Here you go baby. I know you're tired considering what previously took place last night," she winked.

"And you aren't?" I chuckled.

"Not only tired, but incredibly sore. However, I wanted to make my husband some food."

"Your what? Say it again?" I teased.

"Husband baby. I wanted to make my husband some food so he can regain his energy. He's gonna need it." she said seductively.

"Is that so?"

"Yes husband, that is so."

"And don't you ever forget it," I smirked.

Jayda was only dressed in a tight fitted silk robe. Her hair was pulled up into a ponytail, while the rest of her curls hung down. My eyes fondly traced up and down her body.

"Where's your plate?" I asked, stuffing my face.

"It's out there. I wanted to make sure you ate first." she said softly.

"Go get it. She have to make sure the one eating for two gets food as well."

Jayda happily hopped off the bed as she went to grab her plate. She really made a meal. My plate was filled with pancakes, an omelette, mixed fruit, bacon, sausage, and a biscuit.

She returned quickly with a plate filled up more than mines. I chuckled as she wasted no time diving in.

"I'm sorry. I'm really hungry," she mumbled, her mouth full.

"This is really amazing babe. Thank you."

"No problem. I thought I would go give the rest the leftovers since they're leaving today. They deserve a good breakfast for everything they've done for us."

"I completely agree."

We both finished our food quickly. Jayda grabbed her a few more pieces before packaging everything up and taking it to the other house. We walked in to find everyone in the living room.

Jayda still wore her robe and I simply just put on some sweat pants not bothering to grab boxers or a shirt.

"Good morning everyone," Jayda said proudly.

"Why good morning you two. I'm surprised to see y'all up," my mum laughed.

"Mum.." I said, hitting my forehead with my hand.

"Where on earth are y'all's clothes?" Gemma asked suspiciously, even though she probably already knew the answer.

"Ummm....anyways. We brought y'all some food," I said, not wanting to have the conversation about last night.

"Yeah," Jayda chuckled, "I made y'all breakfast before y'all flight later."

"Oh my yesssss. This is exactly what I needed. Thanks Jayda," Louis said, rushing to the packaged food.

"Yeah, Louis has been complaining about how hungry he is since he woke up," Niall informed us.

I went by Jayda's side giving her a quick peck. She happily stared into my eyes as I returned the look. When we looked back, we saw everyone staring at us practically hiding their smirks.

"Okay... anyways," Louis interrupted, "are y'all going to get some?"

"Oh, no we already ate. " I assured him.

"Great to know. I suggest y'all come get some or wait for the how many ever long hour flight we've got." he said, filling up a plate.

Jayda and I watched as everyone began to stuff their faces. We took a seat on the couch cuddling up next to each other. Our smiles were from ear to ear as my hand rested on her bump. I kissed her cheek and head endlessly.

We both pretended like we didn't know everyone was staring at us in awe.

Finally, about 30 minutes later everyone finished eating. By this time, we were all having a conversation about the band and what else we want to do in the future and what not. Jayda got up to help Eleanor, Gemma, and my mum finish packing while the rest of us sat at the table.

"Somebody's glowing," Zayn teased.

"I have no clue what you're talking about," I laughed.

"Most be that married sex." Liam said.

Louis and I immediately looked at each other stunned by his words.

"Okay okay, no need for visuals," Louis said, knowing I couldn't even find words to say something back.

We laughed it off as the girls reappeared.

"Okay, everything is packed and ready for transport." Gemma stated.

"Welp, we have about an hour till our flight, so we should get going," my mum stated.

"Ahhh why does this feel so sad?" Jayda asked, her eyes beginning to tear up.

"I think those are just the hormones hun," my mum said, giving Jayda a hug.

They hugged for a little bit until my mum finally pulled apart. She gave one last rub at Jayda's belly and let the rest say goodbye.

First Eleanor, then Gemma, then her brothers, and finally the boys.

"Okay, well we're off. Let us know once you land tomorrow and I'll pick you guys up," Louis said.

"Okay thank you."

"Okay now... love y'all. Umm be safe and be careful."

"We love you too Louis," Jayda laughed.

"Babe, c'mon. They're literally going to be here one more day," Eleanor said, dragging Louis out the house.

"Yeah Lou, you're acting like our parents." I teased.

"My bad guys. Have fun."

We waved them off and watched as they got into their uber. Jayda and I headed back to the other house and ordered in some pineapple pizza. Jayda has never tried it, but I assured her she would.

We binged watched movies for the rest of the day and talked about our future child. Everything was beautiful. Just as it should be.

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