Chapter 6, "#weird"

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Next Morning!!

Jaydas POV

I woke up running to the toilet. I locked the bathroom door, sitting with my knees to my chest in tears. Every feeling and thought from last night came rushing up as I spilled in the toilet again.

I was freaking out and crying more than usual and to make things worse I didn't know what to say to Harry or to myself. The test was 99% positive so I would be pretty dumb to chose the 1% and not believe it.

I disgustingly flushed the toilet, brushing my teeth. I pestered myself to get it together and just pretend like nothings wrong.

I walked out the bathroom trying to be quiet but Harry started to wake up.

"Good morning," he groaned.

Oh no.

"Morning," I said, forcing a smile.

"You okay?"

"Yeah," I nodded.

"I have rehearsal for a couple hours, you want to come along?"

"No I'll be fine here, just text me."

He looked around confused before finally saying okay. I climbed back into bed, getting under the covers as Harry went into the bathroom.

I laid there thinking about what the hell to do but nothing came to me and the one person in the world I wanted to talk to the most, I couldn't.

"I'll text you okay?" Harry said giving me a kiss on the head.

I nodded with a smile.

He soon left out the door and there I was left in the bed thoughtless. I was so sick of crying but that's all I could manage to do. I wanted to call and tell Louis but I couldn't because I knew he was busy so I resorted to the only other person I could talk to.

I went into Harry's office FaceTiming my mom on my laptop.

"Jayda? Hello??" She screamed into the mic.

I let out a cry making her face change from curious to worried.

"Mom," I cried.

"Sweetheart what's wrong?"

"I can't," I weeped. "I don't know what to do."

"Honey calm down, and use your words."

I sniffled, calming and gathering myself up so I could say the words.

"I'm pregnant," I sighed.

I watched as my mother's eyes widened so big that I thought they were going to fall out. I couldn't exact read her expression so I just prepared myself for everything she was about to throw.

"Jayda you're 19."

"I know mom, I know. I messed up and now I don't know what to do. I know I have my life a head of me, I know. I know."

"Jayda the decision is yours and I'm not going to judge you."

"What?" I asked surprised.

"Do you think a baby is the best thing right now?"

"Mom I don't know, especially with the wedding and everything. I just don't know anymore," I sighed.

"It's up to you dear, whatever you feel is right."

I don't know," I said, burying my face into my legs.

"Well we know abortion isn't an option, Harry would never allow that," she remarked.

"I know but there's adoption or...."

"Jayda no, Harry isn't about to give his child away when he's more than capable of raising it himself. And so are you, you're about to be married for gods sake."

"I just..."

"I know baby," she sighed. "Welcome to adulthood."

"No take me back," I teared up.

"Jayda let me offer a piece of advice," she smiled. "Harry is a good man that you will soon marry and a man that you love dearly, there's no doubt in my mind he won't be happy to have a child."

"Thank you mom. It's just surprising and I'm still in school and everything."

"Well you're doing school online so you won't have to worry about going in or anything. Jayda you're a smart girl, if this is what you want then you can work it out," she assured.

I sat back thinking about her words. I would never do abortion and adoption is ridiculous and like she said, Harry would never agree. He's a part of this too and I have to tell him, I just don't know how or when.

"I really appreciate it mom, tell dad if you want but thank you for your support," I smiled.

"Keep me updated, k?"

I nodded, ending the call when a notification from my phone popped up on the screen.

From: Management

Management: Interview with the boys tmr?

Me: Sounds great.

Management: Then afterwards we need to go over the boys songs for the album.

Me: Okay.

I closed the computer going to take a shower. I felt like I was dragging myself around so I didn't really enjoy it as I should've. I ordered Chinese for me and Harry and after I was done eating it was back to bed for me.

I wanted to turn the tv on but I decided against it all day due to the fact that I was unfocused, so I just laid in the there until I fell asleep.

4 hours later....

***Phone rings***

I grabbed the phone off the night stand answering it.

"Baby, I'm done with rehearsal," Harry spoke into the speaker.

"Okay," I mumbled.

"Are you hungry?"

"I got Chinese, some for you too."

"Um okay, I'll be home in about 30 minutes."

"Okay," I said, hanging up the phone.

37 minutes later......

Harry's POV!!!

I walked in the house to find the Chinese in the kitchen, Jayda ate but barely.

"Hey," I said, walking in the room to find her completely in the dark.

"Hey," she said, facing the window.

"Why isn't the tv on? Or a light?" I asked, taking off my jacket.

"I don't know."

I stopped what I was doing to cuddle up in the bed with her. I knew something was up because she's never acted like this or laid in bed all day.

"Baby, I know somethings wrong. You can talk to me," I hugged.

"I'm fine, I just don't feel good."

"What do you need? Do we need to go to the doctors? Medicine?" I asked worried.

"No, I'm okay."

"Please turn around and look at me," I sighed. She didn't turn around, she just left me with silence.

"Did I do something?" I asked.

"No," she said quickly but I already knew she was lying.

"What can I do Jayda?"

"You can leave me alone and just let me sleep," she said dryly.

I eased up off her feeling guilty and a little hurt. I didn't know what I did but she was obviously hurting badly and there was nothing I could say or do to help.

I turned the other way in the bed, staring at the wall but then I got bored so I went into the office to look up Jaydas symptoms.

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