Chapter 14, "Hawaii Part 1."

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(POV is going to switch a lot so pay attention to the boldness!!!)

Louis POV

I was overly excited when we arrived in the greatest place of all times. Everyone was so excited taking in the view and checking out our house along the beach. It had too many bedrooms for a lad like me to count but it was a pretty enormous place.

I was so happy that I couldn't seem to stop smiling. Not only because we were in Hawaii but also because I have a unexpected surprise for Jayda and Harry. They had no idea what was going to happen on this trip but I had a plan.

"What you thinking about honey?" Eleanor asked.

"Love do you remember that surprise I told you I had for Jayda and Harry?"

"Yeah," she nodded.

"Well it's happening. Tomorrow," I grinned.

Harry's POV

Everyone took the day to settle into their rooms and go out on the beach. Jayda and I had a nice long walk as I held her stomach, feeling our unborn. I didn't have the words to describe how nice everything felt, having everyone I loved around me on this beautiful trip.

"What should we do tonight guys? We're in Hawaii?" Liam beamed.

"You're right, we do need to do something," Zayn chimed in.

"Well I was thinking us lads could go out for some drinks while the ladies do whatever they wish," Louis smiled suspiciously.

"I think that's a great idea," Niall said.

"Could work," Gemma agreed.

Jayda and I exchanged looks before finally agreeing to go out separately considering we have tomorrow to do something together.

"Come on boys," Louis commanded. I gave Jayda a gentle peck on the lips before the boys and I left.

Louis drove us to a bar as if he already knew his way around the place. We ordered some drinks and food having laughs around the table.

"Holy shit do they have a casino here?" Liam asked.

"Hell yeah, it's Hawaii," Louis beamed.

"We're going," I said excited.

We left going to the casino, Just like Vegas.

Jaydas POV

"So what should we do since the boys are all gone," I asked.

"How about we dress up and go out," Gemma suggested.

"As long as we go out," I agreed.

"Alright mama, no drinking for you," she cooed.

We all laughed going into our rooms to change. I put on a plain black dressed that hugged me but not to tight for the baby.

When I was done I went back into the main room with the ladies.

"Okay so how do you make pregnancy look so good?" Eleanor smiled.

"I try," I sighed.

"You do look nice hon," Anne added.

"Thank you, you all do too," I said, looking at how nicely everyone had dressed up.

"So anybody know where we're going?" Gemma laughed.

"I know a place," Eleanor smiled. We all followed her lead as she drove us to whatever place she had in mind.

When we arrived, it was a cinema, for only us. The seats were so nice and the screen was huge.

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