Chapter 8, "Distance"

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"You don't want to marry me do you?" Harry said, drunkly walking into the room.

"Harry you're drunk," I sighed.

"Doesn't make the obvious any less obvious."

"I just want to go to sleep."

"Yeah that's all you ever want to do now."

"Fuck off."

"I have been but I just want to hear you say you don't want to marry me," he said, chugging the bottle.

"I'm not saying that."

"Say it."


"Say it!" he yelled.


"Ugh!" he yelled, throwing the bottle to the ground. I sighed, rushing over to pick the mess up.

"Jayda don't touch the glass."

"Fuck off."

"Don't touch it," he said,grabbing my arm and lifting me from the ground.

"What the hell is your problem Harry?"

"Why don't you want to marry me?"

"Shut up," I said rolling my eyes.

I looked at the despair in his green eyes. He looked at me as if I had broken his heart and maybe I have but that was never my intention.

"It's fine, we won't get married," he shrugged.

"Don't say things you don't mean."

"I mean it," he laughed, walking away.

I had never seen Harry drunk like this before and once again it was all my fault. I pushed him to do this. Lane was right, he wasn't focused and that isn't good for his career. I started crying drying up the spill, I missmy husband and I hate being like this, I have to tell him, Now!

'Harry," I called out,running into the living room but he was gone. I didn't even hear the door close but he had indeed left the house.

I ran back into the room crying hysterically and throwing things. Why did I have to get pregnant and ruin what me and Harry had. We were happy and now he doesn't even want to be around me.

I picked up the phone calling Anne.

"Hey dear," she answered.

"Hey," I sniffed.

"Jayda sweetie what's wrong?"

"Anne I ruined everything," I cried. "Harry hates me and he said we won't get married."

"You know he doesn't mean that, tell me what happened."

"I've been pushing him away because I don't know what to do and I hate it. Why did I have to do this and these hormones keep making me cry," I weeped.

"Hormones? Omg are you?...."

"Yes and I don't know how to tell him because I'm scared of the way he's going to react."

"Omg," she said, softly dapping at her eyes.

"What should I do?"

"Well first off Jayda honey, pull yourself together. You are one of the brightest girls I know and Harry loves you greatly. You need to tell him."

"I know," I sighed.

"I'm very proud of you two and he will be too. I'm glad you called and I guarantee that wedding is going to happen," she assured me.

"Thank you," I smiled.

"Anytime hon, I love you as my own."

"I love you too, goodnight."

"Goodnight," she smiled hanging up the phone.

I gathered myself to the bed, getting under the covers. I couldn't help but worry about Harry. He's drunk and out who knows where at this time of night. I prayed that he was okay before I finally drifted off to sleep.

The next morning!!!

I woke up and there still wasn't any sign of Harry. I even checked my phone and I had not a single call or text from him. So I texted him. He didn't immediately text back so I just wandered around the house eating and watching tv. I did the laundry and dishes and still no message. I was trying not to get worried but that's exactly what I was.

I decided to go and do some research before my doctors appointment in a couple days, apparently I was in my first trimester and we only have three of those throughout the course of the 9 months. I looked down at my stomach and it was growing but I still wouldn't know how far long I am until I go to the doctors.

When I read that my behavior affects the baby's I immediately got worried about the way I've been acting and crying the last few days. The baby can feel and sense everything according to the article.

I found out tons of information that I had to start taking notes because I was new to this and every fact was important and helpful. Once I was done it was nighttime and Harry had yet to respond. So I decided to text him again.

To: Babe

Me: Harry?

Me: Are you okay? Please respond.

Harry: I'm fine.

Me: I was worried.

Me: Where are you?

Harry: Doesn't matter.

Harry: Why do you care?

Me: Harry cut the bullshit now, it's unnecessary.

Harry: It's not.

Me: Call me.

Harry: No.

Me: So this is how it is?

Harry: You made it this way.

Me: I'm sorry.

Harry: Mhm.

Me: What do you want from me Harry? I apologized.

Harry: I don't want a damn apology, how about a explanation?!

Me: There isn't one.

Harry: Then stop texting me, goodnight.

I could believe what I was reading and it kind of turned me on the way I knew he was mad behind the screen.

Me: Harry where are you?

Harry: ....

Me; Fine don't tell me.

Harry: Okay.

I rolled my eyes sending a message to Louis.

To: Louis

Me: Harry's at your place right?

Louis: He sure is.

Me: Lol, thanks.

Louis: He's drinking

Me: I'm on the way.

Louis: Okay.

I hurried and put on my shoes calling a uber. I couldn't believe I was running after Harry because he wants to be stubborn.

The uber soon arrived and drove me to Louis' house. I sighed before texting Louis I was outside because it was now or never for me to finally tell the truth.

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