Chapter 28 , "Get your shit together."

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The next day!!!!

Jaydas POV

I woke up around 5 am because I couldn't sleep. These last few days have been rough with Harry but at least we slept in the same bed. Now it's just me alone and missing him.

I didn't want to keep worrying but that's all I can do. Harry knows that doesn't he? He knows I'm worrying right? Oh god, I need to go back to him.

The time kept passing by as I just say there staring and thinking. I told myself numerous times to turn on the tv but it never happened.

Life was going good, everything was finally settling and now here's another setback reality has thrown my...... hell our way.

"Knock knock," Kara whispered, walking into the room.

I avoiding look her way by keeping my eyes on the wall.

"Jayda you have to eat something," she sighed.

I continued looking at the wall. She was right, I needed to eat. I was hungry but I can't imagine keeping down any food right now, not like this.

"Please. If not for you, then do it for those babies."

"We're not hungry."

"Yeah that's a lie."

"It's not."

"But it is."

"I will eat Kara, damn," I said snappy.

"Listen I know you're hurting right now but seriously! Harry is going through shit and he's down under and you can't go down the same hole," she snapped.

"So he gets to just throw everything away and I have to just deal with it and stay up?"

"I'm saying you have to stay on your shit for your children. It's hard, but you are more than capable of pulling Harry out of this hole. You did once before."

"Wait- how did you?"

"He told me, and Zayn's really chatty," she snickered. I let out a little laugh.

"I'm sorry, I know I have no place in this but from what I've heard and seen you're stronger than I could ever be in your situation Jayda."

"You have a place, thank you Kara," I said giving her a gentle hug.

I could tell it made her happy. It made me feel a little better too knowing someone was here and they actually believed in me.

"Now what do you want to eat?" She smiled.

"Are you going out or ordering?"

"Anything you want."

"I could eat some In-N-Out or some McDonald's or some Mom's, it really doesn't matter."

"I'll be back shortly," she smiled, leaving the room.

I decided to actually turn on the tv and watch some Friends.

Karas POV

I felt so bad and hurt for Jayda. Harry knows better and this is not going to cut it.

"Zayn you want something to eat, I'm going out to get something for Jayda," I said.

"Depends on what I'm eating," he smirked.

"Haha," I mocked. He got up walking over to me.

"You okay? You look... mad? I don't know."

"I'm fine," I said, throwing my arms around his lower waist.

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