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  It was dark, it was cold as well where you were

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It was dark, it was cold as well where you were. You don't know what's going on. How did you get here again? You couldn't really hear anything. Where were you again?

Is that a light? Can you go there? The light was warm. You reached out for it, very warm, and comforting. You liked the light.

Is the light getting brighter? Hmm.... you don't like the light anymore, its too bright now.

It was very bright when you opened your eyes. You noticed that there were about 11 people around you. Who are these people? You don't know, well you couldn't really tell because their faces were blurred.

"Y-Y/n?" A soft voice spoke out.

Y/n? Oh you know who that is, that you. You're name is Y/n L/n.

You slowly sat up, holding your head because is a small pain. Something, no, someone leaped onto you and gave you a hug.

"Y/n! You're okay!! Thank god! Everyone was so worried about you!!" The same voice from early spoke out.

When you looked around, you didn't know who these people were. You couldn't see their faces. Who were they? They all seem happy, but for what? You don't know them, so by that same logic they shouldn't know you, right?

There was a lot of talking. You could tell that everyone in the room was male, maybe it was because of their hair style or their voice, but who knows.

You looked around the room you were in. You knew this, it was a hospital room. The tiled flooring, the machines, the bright windows, the gridded ceiling, yep you were in a hospital.

While all of the other males, you presumed, kept chatting with you, you tried to examine them. Tried to see their facial figures or their eyes at least. But nothing worked they were scribbled out never to be seen again, no matter how hard you tried to uncover them.

"How are you feeling Y/n?" A different voice spoke out, a very soft with almost a motherly tone, asked.

The chatting died down as everyone turned to you, waiting for your answer. You didn't know what to do. Hell, you didn't know who these people were.

When you opened your mouth, you let the words from your head let out.

"Who are you?" You asked, your voice soft and small.

A chilling aura fell onto everyone in the room, as if everyone was in shock. But why shock? You didn't know these people, right?

"What happened to me? Who are you guys? Do I know you? Hello? Why is everyone so quiet now?" You fired questions after questions, not knowing that each question made more and more tears fall from the others there.

"Y-Y/n, stop m-messing around. Y-you know us, w-we're y-your friends. C-come on, y-you know us, r-right??" Another voice asked, seemingly on the brink of crying.

You turned the the person who was asking the question. Nope, nada, nothing, you couldn't see their face, you can't identify them one bit. But their hair looked really soft.

You shook your head, "Apologizes but I cant see your face, I don't know who any of you are. I'm sorry?" Your sorry came out like a question, you didn't mean too, but you were just really confused on what is going on.

You turned to everyone else in the room, who had their heads down, "I'm sorry to disappoint you but I think I need to see the doctor? Can someone get them for me?" You said as politely as possible, since that's what you do when talking to strangers.

"I-I will," someone said in a shaky breathe.

You nodded with a straight face, "Thank you."

Were you supposed to know these people? Hell, if you know.

You felt someone squeeze your hand. When you looked down it was another male, tall, well taller than you, but of course you were pretty short for a first-year in high school. Out of instincts, you squeezed back, not really knowing why, you just did.

If these were people you know, maybe one day you will be able to remember them. Maybe they were good friends, because you remembered that you have your heart someone else. But, you memories of them were scribbled out too. Hopefully, you can remember them.

 Hopefully, you can remember them

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Remember Me || Haikyuu || Karasuno x Male reader || Completed ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now