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  You were in the middle of reading (f/b) when the door opened once again

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You were in the middle of reading (f/b) when the door opened once again. A taller male had dark green hair. He looked like the top of a strawberry. The male shuffled in, obviously very nervous.

"Hello," you said softly, but it still made the other male flinch in surprise.

"H-hey, Y-Y/n," the taller stuttered terribly as he shuffled to the chair.

The male seemed to not be able to think straight. He slipped off the chair for a second before regaining his composure. He sniffed as you could see pink on his ears, of course you couldn't see his face because of the imaginary marker.

"Tell me about yourself," you said, making sure that your voice was very soft and comforting for the sake of the other male.

"I-I a-am," the male sniffed and cleared his throat, "I am █︎█︎█︎█︎█︎█︎█︎█︎█︎ , I-I'm a pitch server in Karasuno's vo-volleyball team, as w-well as being a first year there."

You smiled softly. This male was more nervous than any of the ones you've met before. He seemed like the quiet person in the crowd, one that doesn't speak up most of the time.

"Whoa! So you must be very important to the team than," you cheered with a sparkle in your eyes.

The green haired male's ears turned red as he rubbed his nape. You didn't know why the male did this. You could imagine the look on his face. He would probably look like a strawberry.

"I-I'm not that important! The others are way more needed important to the team than I am. I usually stay on the side lines anyways. The other first years are way more better than I'll ever be," the taller male said as he clutched his pants.

You pouted slight. And here you thought you had bad self-esteem, "No, you are on the team. You are important to the team no matter what," you said in a stern voice.

The taller male seems to star at you a bit. He than let out a chuckle.

"You still haven't changed, Y/n, I'm happy about that."

You titled your head slightly but you smiled.

"Tell me more," you said.

"A-Ah well, If I remember correctly..."

" █︎█︎█︎█︎█︎█︎█︎█︎█︎ ? Are you alright?" Y/n asked as he peaked into the bathroom where the taller ran to.

"A-aaH! Y/n! H-Hi! I'm fine I pr-promise!" The green haired male stuttered as he wiped his tears away from his face.

Y/n furrowed his brows as he pouted. He could obviously tell that the other male was crying, so why was he trying to hide it?

"No you're not, tell me what's wrong," Y/n said as he walked up to the taller.

"I'm f-fine I already t-told you..."

Y/n narrowed his eyes, "Is it █︎█︎█︎█︎█︎█︎█︎█︎█︎█︎?" No reaction, "Is it your grades?" No reaction, "Is it that you're feeling worthless?" The taller flinched and looked away.

Y/n frowned at this. He quickly pulled the taller into a hug, surprising him. The green haired male looked down in surprise.

"You're not worthless, you're very important. To the team, to coach, and to me. Don't think like that, because you're not that," Y/n mumbled as he buried his face in the taller's chest.

The green haired male's eyes began to tear up. He leaned down slightly and hugged the (h/c)-ette back.

"Thank you, Y/n. Thank you so much."

"...And ever since than you've always been complementing me, and encroaching me. It helped me a lot and I thank you for it," the taller said with a smile.

You smiled softly. You were happy at the fact that you helped the other male, and maybe others. You were relieved that you could help people when other people couldn't help you.

"Excuse me?" The nurse said, opening the door to your room, "Visiting hours are over."

"A-ah, thank you, I'll be there shortly," the green haired male stuttered and he collected his stuff.

"Please come back soon, I would love to hear more stories from you," you said.

The green-ette smiled and nodded, "Yeah, I would like that," he muttered.

You both waved to each other as the taller walked out of the door. You really do hope to see him again, but you also want to see your other teammates too.

You'll be waiting.

  You'll be waiting

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Remember Me || Haikyuu || Karasuno x Male reader || Completed ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now