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  Hinata went to his room

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Hinata went to his room. His mother and sister weren't home since they were visiting a family friend. He didn't want to go, and his mother didn't complain. His sister asked why but he said nothing, he didn't want his sister's heart to be broken by the news.

Hinata's sister loved Y/n, and they got along very well. Hearing the news that Y/n had lost his memories of Natsu, will break her heart into a million pieces. Since it happened to Hinata.

Hinata just stood at his bed side, much like he did with the door of the Y/n's hospital room. After he was pushed out of the room, there was a lot of yelling of doctors and nurses, he didn't know why, but he wanted to.

His friend was in danger, how could be not care. The same friend that helped him and all of his teammates through rough times. The same friends that cared for all of them without a second thought. Hinata cared for Y/n like how everyone else did.

"It was my fault... I should've been the one who got hit... Not Y/n.... Nothing bad should ever happened to Y/n...." Hinata mumbled as he feel to his knees.

The memories of him and Y/n ran throughout hid head. The games, the practice, the food, the training camp, it all came at Hinata like a large ocean wave crashing onto a small plant. It was suffocating.

Hinata never meant to put Y/n in danger, he didn't mean it. He didn't know the car was coming after him, he didn't know anything. He didn't want this, he never had, never had Hinata wished something bad to happen to Y/n.

But yet Y/n just had to push him, he just had to save him, he just HAD to put himself before others. Like he always had, and he will never change, even if he lost his memories. Y/n will never change, but he will change to Hinata for as long as he doesn't remember him, he will forever be changed.

Hinata still can't believe that Y/n forgave him. He thought he did something unforgivable, he will always be unforgiven and filled with guilt because of what he had done. But no, Y/n forgave him. Y/n always forgives him. He hates it yet he's glade for it. But it doesn't stop Hinata for being restless as he drowns himself in his own sorrow and sadness.

For as long as Y/n doesn't remember him and his teammates, Hinata will forever be drowning himself. He will not stop until everything is back to normal. He will not stop putting more and more pressure on himself because of what he had done. He will forever feel like a burden. He can't help it.

Hinata will forever feel like someone who took away someone very precious to everyone. He will take any criticism, any beating, any yelling, any lost because he knows he deserves it. Hinata knows that he deserves that punishment.

"I'm sorry Y/n..." Hinata cried and he rested his head on his knees, "I'm so so sorry.... Please, for the team... for me... Remember us..."


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Remember Me || Haikyuu || Karasuno x Male reader || Completed ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now