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  You were in the middle of reading (f/b) for the second time

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You were in the middle of reading (f/b) for the second time. You were glad that the second year from the other day gave it to you, it gave you sense of hope on regaining your memories while keeping you entertained.

This time, you didn't sit up in your hospital bed anymore. You now sat on a comfortable chair while sitting near the window. The light of the sun made it easier read and gave you a sense a peace. You liked that.

You were leaning back in your chair when the door opened. When you looked up from your book, a boy around your age softly closing the door. The male had raven colored hair while his face was scribbled out with the imaginary marker. You were starting to hate the marker.

"Hello," you said softly.

The blueberry male flinched slightly. It seemed like he was scared to talk. He seemed to want to keep his mouth from saying something rude.

"Sit down, I want to learn more about you," you said placing your book in your lap, "There's no need to hold back, say what you want."

"I-" The taller male started, "You.... YOU IDIOT!! You baka!! You moron!! Why did you do that?!?! You left everyone to worry!! You selfless ass!!"

The raven haired male continued his insults, though they didn't effect you in the slightest bit. You knew that unintentionally made everyone's life you knew worry, and you were sorry for that. You knew that everyone expresses that worry differently.

The yelling was bad as the taller cried too. Some nurses even peeked in the room to check what was happening, but you waved them away, signaling that everything was fine.

"You.... you..." The raven-ette started to catch his breathe, "You have no idea how much I was worried for you, Y/n."

Your face saddened a bit before you sighed, "I'm sorry for the trouble I caused, I promise I will make it up to all of you once I regained my memories."

The raven haired male scoffed silently, "You're still so understanding, it's scary," he muttered but you could hear very well.

"Oh?" You said, "How about you tell me about it."

"Well..." The other male started, "You always calmed people down, no matter who they were and what type of episode they were in. You always found a way to make someone feel safe and comfortable around you. Hell, even me, and the team says that I'm bad. You always calmed me down whenever I yell at someone."

You chuckled slightly, "It seemed like I really kept everyone in check."

The raven haired let out a breathe, "You have no idea."

"Tell me more," you requested as he got more comfortable in your chair.

The raven haired male hummed.

"BOKE!! THAT'S WRONG YOU'RE DOING IT ALL WRONG!!" The raven haired male shouted, he continued to yell at a certain tangerine.

"Is it just me, or is █︎█︎█︎█︎█︎█︎█︎█︎ being more violent to everyone today?" A grey haired setter asked.

Y/n walked up to the vice-captain and captain of the teams. He had a slightly worried look on his face.

"Yeah, I wonder what made him so mad this morning," the captain wondered.

"He didn't get his milk today."

The two third years deadpanned and looked down at their second libero.

"You have to be joking..." The third year setter said.

Y/n shook his head, "The vending machines weren't in stock with his favorite milk and he threw a small fit. I was there because I didn't want █︎█︎█︎█︎█︎█︎█︎█︎ to be alone, but quickly left."

The two third years sweatdropped. And here they thought that their main setter was a scary king.

"Good thing I have this," Y/n pulled out a small carton of milk from his bag."

"Oh, you can't be serious," the captain muttered.

Y/n didn't even flinched, "I wish I was joking. AYE!! █︎█︎█︎█︎█︎█︎█︎█︎ !! OVER HERE!!"

The raven-ette whipped his head around to face the shorter. He glared angrily at the (h/c)-ette but soon stopped when something hit it face.

"OI!! WHAT ARE YOU-" The raven haired male stopped yelling when he realized what was thrown at him; a milk carton.

The taller quickly turned around and began drinking the milk Y/n gave him. Finally some peace and quiet.

"Well I'll be damned..." the captain muttered.

You laughed loudly as the taller finished his story.

"Yeah, yeah, laugh about it," the raven-ette murmured but smirked as he successfully made you laugh.

"That has to be one of the best stories I've been told!" You claimed as you wiped a tear from your eye.

"Mr. L/n?" A nurse called out as she opened the door, "Visiting hour are over."

"Aw, well, I hope you come back soon," you said as you waved to the taller male.

The raven-ette nodded to you, "Yeah..."

You watched as the taller male waved back to you and left you by your lonesome once again. You were really grateful to see your 'teammates'.

You hissed slightly as you rubbed your temple. The pain quickly went away the minute it came. Huh, that was odd.

 Huh, that was odd

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Remember Me || Haikyuu || Karasuno x Male reader || Completed ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now