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  You liked animals, birds to be exact

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You liked animals, birds to be exact. Seeing them fly pass your window is something you loved about your view. The birds were just so free, flying as high as they want without a care in the world. It was peaceful to you.

The people who were coming to your room were peaceful. You liked them, it amazes you to this day that you were friends with them.

When you room door opened you turned to it. A shorter male, with dark brown hair and a dirty blonde tuff, walked in. Although the male was short, he seemed to be a bit taller than you.

"A-ah! Y/n! Uh, h-how are you?" The slightly taller asked as he sat on the end of your bed.

"I've been good," you said with a smile, "So, tell me about yourself, I want to get to know you."

The other male seemed to stiffen but relaxed, as if remembering something.

"I'm █︎█︎█︎█︎█︎█︎█︎█︎█︎ , but you called me Senpai! I'm a Libero on Karasuno's volleyball team, I am also a second year!" The brunette said with pride as he pointed to himself with his thumb.

Your eyes shined at the word Libero, since all of the other people you met claimed that you were a Libero as well.

"Whaa! You're the Libero?? I heard I was a Libero too! So, you must be really cool and awesome!" You said with a bright smile.

The other male's ears turned a shade of red, "A-ah! Its nothing! You were really amazing yourself!!"

"Really?? Tell me more!"

The older let out a laugh, "Since you were so hyper, you were all over the court, like whoosh! You were so flexible and agile that it looked like you were-what do you called it-skating! You looked so angelic and fast that it you looked like on of those figure skaters on TV, but its with volleyball instead," he let out another laugh, "No one could take their eyes off of you when you're on court!!"

"Really?" You asked, not really believing that you were that good.

"Really!!" You could hear the smile in the other male's voice when he said that, "OH! That reminds me!!"

The brunette was walking to Karasuno, whistling a toon that was stuck in his head. Guess who got that song stuck in his head? That's right Y/n did, but the older didn't mind.

"SENPAI!!" As if right on time, Y/n shouted to get the older's attention.

The one being called turned around and immediately smiled as the younger and slightly shorter male ran up to him.

"Y/n! Is there something you need? Do need your amazing senpai to beat someone up for you?" The older male asked as put up his fists into a fighting pose.

Y/n shook his head with a laugh, "Nope! I just wanted to know if you wanted to get some Gari-Gari with me?"

The taller blinked in surprise. Usually he is the one who suggest that the team should get some of his favorite food, not the other way around.

"Wait, really?" Was all the brunette could say.

"Yep! I'll pay too! You're my senpai and you've already did so much for me as a teammate and a friend, now I want to return the favor!"

The older stared at Y/n in shock. What did he do to deserve such a kind and caring Kohai?

"Uh... senpai? Are you okay? Senpai?? Senpai?! W-why are you crying?! Did I s-say something wrong??!" Y/n asked in a panic as he witness his upperclassman cry tears of joy right in front of him.

"I-it's no-nothing Y/n!" The older replied as he violently tried to wipe his tears of joy away. He sniffed, "But I'm going to buy you (f/f)!!"

Y/n blinked before smiling, knowing that he can't bargain with a stubborn senpai such as the one right in front of him. But he was happy that he can look up to the same person.

"Hai!" Y/n shouted with a closed eye smile.

"Then after school, we got Gari-Gari and (f/f)!! █︎█︎█︎█︎█︎ was so jealous!!" The older finished with a laugh.

You laughed too at the strange but fluffy interaction.

"Mr. L/n? I'm sorry to interrupt but visiting hours are over," the nurse said as she knocked on the open door.

"Hai, thank you. Please come again Senpai, I want to hear more from the person I looked up to," you said with a smile.

The older nodded as he got up. He waved a small goodbye wave and walked out.

"Yeah.... the person you looked up too...." the older muttered but you didn't catch it.

" the older muttered but you didn't catch it

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Remember Me || Haikyuu || Karasuno x Male reader || Completed ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now