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"Tsukishima?" Y/n called out to the tall blonde as he smiled, "How have you been?"

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"Tsukishima?" Y/n called out to the tall blonde as he smiled, "How have you been?"

  Tsukishima stared at the shorter male in the hospital bed. His gold eyes were widened in shock. If he wasn't paying attention to the box in his hand, he would've dropped it.

"Y-Y/n? You re-remember me?" Tsukishima said, not caring that he stuttered.

  Y/n smiled as tears build up in the taller's eyes, "I'm back, Tsukishima. I'm here with you now."

  The blonde inhaled sharply as he started to walk quickly to the bedside table. He placed the wrapped box on the table, he also took off his glasses not wanting them to get wet while he cried.

  Tsukishima flopped onto the bed, next to Y/n and grabbed him and pulled him to his chest. His shoulders shook as he buried his face into (h/c) hair. He didn't sob nor did he let out a cry, he just silently let the tears dip from his face as he held onto the most precious thing to the world to him.

  Y/n smiled and didn't question the taller and hugged back. A small lush on his cheeks as he listened to the blonde's heat beat finding it comforting and calming to him. He knew that Tsukishima was crying but he also knew that Tsukishima hated people seeing him cry, so Y/n let the taller be.

  The two males stayed like that in comforting silence as they both held onto each other. They both didn't say a word, away from the occasional sniffles, but they didn't need to. The two males both loved each other for who they are.

  Tsukishima sniffed once more before kissing the top of Y/n's head. Not expecting the sudden action, Y/n looked up in question. The blonde's eyes were hazy with tears and shined more now that he didn't have his glasses on.

  Y/n smiled and reached up slightly to peck Tsukishima's lips. Tsukishima blinked, trying to process what had just happened. He soon blushed a bit but smirked.

"That's all I get?" Tsukishima asked in a horse voice from holding back his cries.

  Y/n giggled at the needy blonde but reached up to kiss him properly. Tsukishima closed his eyes as Y/n do the same. He held onto the smaller closer to him as he deepened the kiss and caressed Y/n's cheek.

  Y/n smiled in the kiss, "I love you," he whispered.

"I love you too, Y/n," Tsukishima whispered back, "Don't leave me ever again, please."

  Y/n smiled and kissed Tsukishima's nose making the taller smile slightly, "I will never plan on leaving you, never in a million years. I love you, and I want to stay by you forever."

  Tsukishima blushed at the statement before kissing Y/n's forehead than his lips. Y/n closed his eyes as he clutched Tsukishima's shirt softly.

  Tsukishima licked Y/n's bottom lip, asking for entrance. Y/n smiled and opened his mouth ever so slightly, but it was enough for Tsukishima to enter in. The blonde forced Y/n's mouth to open wider for him with his tongue.

  Y/n hummed into the kiss as Tsukishima explored his warm cavern. When the two departed, a sting of saliva connected their mouths together, but they didn't care.

  Tsukishima smirked and hugged Y/n closer to him. Y/n buried his blushing face in the taller chest.

"I love you," Tsukishima said once again.

"I wuve you too," Y/n mumbled out making Tsukkishima chuckle.

~ 𝔽𝚒𝚗 ~

~ 𝔽𝚒𝚗 ~

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Remember Me || Haikyuu || Karasuno x Male reader || Completed ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now