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  Tsukkishima seemed to have a permanent scowl on his face as he walked to his room

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Tsukkishima seemed to have a permanent scowl on his face as he walked to his room. One that even scared his older brother a bit. But he didn't care, he just wanted to go to his room right now.

"Dinner will be ready soon," Akiteru mumbled.

"I'm not hungry," Kei spat.

Tsukkishima went to his room and slammed the door shut. Akiteru only sighed, but understood what his younger brother was going through.

Tsukkishima gritted his teeth as he threw his bag to some corner of his room, he didn't know where, and he didn't care. He seemed to stop caring about the people around him ever since the incident, even Yamaguchi.

The blonde slumped down at his desk chair and put his head in his hands. He let all of the emotions control him, even if its just for a second.

The white headphones were grabbed and plugged in. Tsukkishima aggressively turned on his music to block out any sounds from outside of his room.

He hated this. Seeing Y/n like he was nothing but useless, he's not useless, Tsukkishima knew that. Hell, Y/n was one of the most uplifting and caring people Tsukkishima knew. Always cheering someone up, even when he's injured, from the Aoba Joshai accident to the incident right now, Y/n still hasn't changed.

Yet everyone changed. Tsukkishima was very observant. The third-years seemed to be more tired and depressed, the second-years seemed to be more angry and aggressive, hell even Tanaka was doing okay in school, and that was a red flag.

Yamaguchi seemed to be on edge with everything while being a thousand times more quiet. Kageyama doesn't yell at anyone, not even Hinata. Hinata, well, he just seemed dead, always semi-pale, never cheerful anymore, and extremely more quiet.

Then there was him, Tsukkishima. He only talk to people with salty words and comeback, he now never cared what people think of him and what they're feelings were. He just stop caring in general.

Tsukkishima's breathing hitched. Tears started to fall down his face as he just let them be.

"Goddamnit Y/n.... Just remember us.... Remember me..." Tsukkishima mumbled as he rested his head in his arms, falling asleep.

" Tsukkishima mumbled as he rested his head in his arms, falling asleep

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Remember Me || Haikyuu || Karasuno x Male reader || Completed ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now