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"Hello? Y/n? Can I come in?" The same mother like voice from the other day asked from the other side of the door, knocking

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"Hello? Y/n? Can I come in?" The same mother like voice from the other day asked from the other side of the door, knocking.

"You can come in," you said, looking out the window since there was nothing better to do.

The door of the hospital opened and revealed a grey haired boy, of course you couldn't see their face. Everyone's was scribbled out with some sort of imaginary marker, it was weird for you.

"Hello, Y- L/n, I'm █︎█︎█︎ it's nice to see you," the taller male greeted.

"Please call me Y/n, I don't mind. And it seems like I cant make out what your name is, I'm sorry," you said with an apologetic smile.

The grey haired male just chuckled softly and waved his hand dismissively.

"That's alright, I just hope you get better soon," the male said as he sat down on the same seat the brunette did yesterday.

"Thank you. So, tell me about yourself, I think this is a way for me to get my memories back, hopefully."

"Well, I'm a vice-captain on Karasuno's volleyball team and I'm the second setter," the male answered, scratching his cheek in a nervous way.

"Whaa! You were in the same volleyball team as me before, right? Your voice is so soft, I would've never guessed you were in a sports club!" You complemented, with a bright smile.

The other male laughed at your response, "Yeah. I remember when you first met me you thought I was a manager because of my looks and voice. But you were very amazed when I tossed to someone. You always hanged around me when the others were too much and our captain had to step in to calm them down," he said.

You smiled but than pouted, "Wait, you're the vice-captain, so that means you're a third-year, right?"

"Uh, yes I am, why do you ask?"

You furrowed your brows. You didn't understand why he couldn't see that being a third-year and a second setter is 'wrong'.

"But you're a second setter, shouldn't you be the main setter? You know, since you'll be graduating and everything? It seems kinda unfair to me," you pointed out.

The other male seemed surprised by this. You guessed because he didn't know it was wrong.

The grey haired male chuckled, "That reminds me the time when you did confront me about it," he said in a sort of happy tone.



"Can you tell me how it went? Please?" You asked.

The male stared a bit before turning to the window, "Well, if I remember correctly."

The vice-captain walked down the road. Holding onto a bag of fresh meat buns. He heard some foot steps from behind him and turned around to see a mop of (h/c) coming towards him at full speed.

"Y/- oOf," the taller couldn't even start his sentence since you was tackled into a hug by the shorter male.

"It's not fair!" Y/n yelled as he held the other male close, "You're a third-year! It's not fair at all!"

"Ehh?? What's not fair? What about me being a third-year that's not fair?? Why are you crying?!" The taller male questioned while holding the (h/c)-ette and his meat buns.

Y/n sniffed, his nose already red, "You being a second setter on your last year here, its not fair. You worked so hard to be setter but now its taken from right under you!"

The taller male finally got what Y/n meant. He smiled warmly at the smaller male, who was still hugging him.

"Hey, hey, Y/n. Y/n look at me please," the grey haired male said in a soft voice.

Y/n looked up tears bubbling up in his (e/c) eyes. His (s/c) nose were red along with his cheeks as they puffed out like child. He was pouting, still not liking the idea of his friend being a second setter.

The taller smiled warmly and reassuringly, "Y/n, I'm okay being the second setter. We need the best players out on the court, and █︎█︎█︎█︎█︎█︎█︎█︎ is who we need out there. I'm sure I will get my time soon, even if it's just for a few minutes."

Y/n sniffed and looked down, burying his face in the other's chest, "B-but what if you don't? Than your whole year is just going to be on the sideline. I don't want that, and I know you don't want that either..."

The taller male pet the (h/c) hair comfortingly, "Of course, I'm bummed about it, but I trust that coach will put me in one day."

Y/n jumped out of the other's hold with pure determination in his (e/c) eyes, "He better! Or I'm going to make him myself! And if he doesn't, he has another thing coming for him!" He yelled.

The grey haired male chuckled, "Keep your voice down, Y/n. People are trying to sleep," he said while putting his finger in a hushing motion.

"Oops... sorry..." Y/n mumbled as he covered his mouth with his hands.

The taller laughed softly as he started his walk to his house, Y/n following not too far behind, "How about you stay over for dinner? I have plenty of food we can make, and my parents are away for a bit."

"Hai! Thanks you, senpai!"

The grey haired male laughed at the memory, "We made so much food that we even brought some to practice the next day. Everyone really enjoyed them too," he said in between laughs.

You laughed softly at the funny interaction, "You must of been a good teacher than, I don't really cook that much, and in my opinion, I suck at cooking. Baking is more my thing."

"Yeah, you did need a little bit more help with cooking certain things."

"L/n? █︎█︎█︎█︎█︎█︎█︎█︎█︎ ? Visiting hours are over for the day," a nurse announced.

"Okay, thank you for letting me know," the taller said.

"Please come again soon. I would love to hear more stories," you said with a smile.

"Of course, have a good day, Y/n" the grey haired male said with a wave.

"Of course, have a good day, Y/n" the grey haired male said with a wave

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Remember Me || Haikyuu || Karasuno x Male reader || Completed ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now