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  You have been getting some pain in your head nowadays

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You have been getting some pain in your head nowadays. They weren't painful nor were they wanted. The doctors said that it was a good thing but you didn't listen to why. The pain in your head were very mild so you didn't complain that much, nor did you ask for medicine for it.

The imaginary marker wasn't helping your case at all. The marker seemed to have gotten darker with heavier ink. When you looked at someone's face the whole face was almost gone instead of just the eyes. You didn't know what was happening, and you were sort of scared by the sudden change.

You tried to get your mind off of the changes by reading your book. However reading just hurts your brain even more. So, you resulted in just watching the birds outside your window. Much like how you did your first week at the hospital.

The sound of your door opened. You turned to see who it was from your seat. A male with bright and noticeable orange hair shuffled in. The male was short but a bit taller than you and the libero that was here the other day. The male seemed to be crying a little bit from the sounds of sniffling and gasps of breathes.

"Y-Y/n...?" The orange-ette muttered out as he lowered his head.

You smiled warmly at the slightly taller male, "Hello," you said in a soft voice.

The orange haired male trembled in his shoes. Your smile dropped a bit at this. Your brows furrowed upwards as you cocked your head to the side.

"Are you okay? Your trembling," you asked.

The taller male shook in place. He soon let out a cry and collapsed to the ground.

Your eyes widened at the sudden action. You got up from your seat and went over to the crying male. His tears dripped to the ground and he sniffed violently.

"Y/n, I'm so sorry!! I didn't mean for you to get in this mess! I'm so so sorry, Y/n! This is all my fault!!" The orange haired male cried.

You quickly pulled the taller into a hug and pet his hair for reassurance. The other male clutched your shirt as he cried into your chest.

"Hey, hey now. Nothing's your fault. I'm sure whatever happened to me wasn't your fault," You said in a calming voice, "And if it is your fault, than I forgive you no matter what."

"B-but, I put you in this mess. I was the-the one who made you forget your memories. I was the one who made you unable to see everyone's faces. I was the one who made you fo-forget!"

You huffed. You cupped the taller's cheeks and made him look at you. You stared right into where his eyes would be.

"It is not your fault, and even if it is, than I already forgive you. You were my friend, and you will forever be my friend, no matter if my memories of everyone is gone, you say I am your friend, I will be your friend. Now stop apologizing because I already forgive you," you said in a stern and serious voice.

Remember Me || Haikyuu || Karasuno x Male reader || Completed ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now