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  You slightly giggled at a funny scene in the book the second year male gave you; (f/b)

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You slightly giggled at a funny scene in the book the second year male gave you; (f/b). Thanks to the older plain male, you could read, and reread this book whenever you want and never get bored of it.

The door from your room was opened and you turned to look who it was now. A very tall male with blonde hair walked in. He was carrying a small box that was wrapped in a (f/c) cloth with white dots. Like all of the other times, the face was scribbled out with an imaginary black marker.

"Uh, hey, Y/n..." the tall male started as he sat down at a very well known chair.

"Hello," you replied with a small smile, one that made the blonde tense slight, "Tell me about yourself, I want to get to know you."

The taller looked to the side and rubbed his nape, "I'm █︎█︎█︎█︎█︎█︎█︎█︎█︎█︎ , I'm in the same grade and school as you. I guess I'm a middle blocker in the volleyball team, nothing special really," he said.

Your smile widened at the word 'volleyball'. You loved the fact that everyone that you were friends with was in the same club as you. It made you feel like you weren't alone.

"But isn't the middle blockers like a wall? The protectors of the court? That means you have a really important job, if I do say so myself," you said with a very happy expression.

You saw the tips of the other male's ears turn a slight pink, but thought nothing of it. Maybe he was just embarrassed with something.

"I guess so," the blonde muttered.

You looked to the side and noticed the small box the other was clutching for comfort.

You titled your head to the side, "What's that?" You asked curiously as you pointed to the (f/c) box.

The taller perked up, "Oh this? This is just a, uh, gift for you, d-don't too much about it," he said as he plopped the box in your lap.

You gave him a nod of appreciation and started to open the cloth. Inside the cloth was an obvious box that was a pinkish, reddish color. Your eyes shined as you opened the box. inside the small box was (f/d) and a slice of strawberry cake.

"Whaa! How'd you know that this was a favorite dessert??" You asked excitedly as you turned to the blonde with a large smile.

"You never stopped talking about how much you loved '(f/d)'.... before the a-accident," the taller stumbled on his words at the end but continued, "So, I decided to get you some, and some for myself." The male pulled out two forks.

Remember Me || Haikyuu || Karasuno x Male reader || Completed ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now