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"Hinata?" Y/n questioned as he and the other male stared wide eyed at each other

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"Hinata?" Y/n questioned as he and the other male stared wide eyed at each other.

Hinata was frozen where he stood. He didn't know what to do. He wanted to cry, he wanted to scream, but he couldn't, his feelings were just stuck in his chest, unable to be let out. He clutched his shirt where his heart was, in shock.

"Y-Y/n?? You... you remembered?" Hinata stuttered.

Y/n examined the slightly taller male. When he was hit, he didn't know what happened after that. He generally thought that he AND Hinata got hit, and he's been blaming himself for it. But now, Hinata stood right in front of him, completely unharmed. It warmed his heart to see that he protected the one he loves so much.

"Hinata... you're okay, I'm so happy that you're okay," Y/n said with a smile and tears falling down.

Hinata couldn't take it anymore. He fell to the ground as tears started to fall from his face while he had a blank face. He couldn't yell, all he could do was cry as he stared at Y/n who remember who he was.

Y/n gasped when Hinata fell to his knees. He quickly leaped out of his bed and went to Hinata's side. He went down on his own knees as Y/n held Hinata's face to make him look at him.

"Hinata?! Are you okay?! You didn't get hit did you??!" Y/n questioned as he look Hinata up and down.

"Y/n..." Hinata whispered, making the (e/c) eyed boy stop his talking.

"Hinata? What's wrong?"

Hinata cupped Y/n's face, "Do you remember everyone? Do you really remember me? Us?"

Y/n blinked before warmly smiling. He placed his own hand on top of Hinata's as he leaned into the touch.

"I remember, Hinata. I remember everyone. I remember you. I not going anywhere, not anymore," Y/n whispered in a comforting voice.

Hinata's breathe started to shutter as his lips trembled. Tears fell harder and down his cheeks. He pulled Y/n into a hug as quickly as he can and cried. He cried for real this time. He sobbed as tears fell on Y/n's shoulder.

Y/n only smiled, knowing what the shorter male has gone through. He hugged back, comforting the orange-ette as he did so.

"I'm sorry, Y/n! I'm so so s-sorry!" Hinata sobbed.

"Shh, it's okay, I'm here now, no need to be sorry," Y/n comforted.

The two males stayed on the ground as they both cried for each other. Soon the cries and sobs from Hinata soon calmed to sniffles and hiccups.

"Hey," Y/n said softly, "Hey, Hinata, look at me, please?"

Hinata hesitantly lifted his head. Red surrounded his eyes and cheeks as he was crying so much and so hard.

Y/n softly held onto Hinata's face, which he leaned into the soft and warm touch. He smiled at the sight of his crush. Hinata sniffed but held onto Y/n's hand with both of his.

"I love you... Hinata," Y/n whispered.

Hinata stared at Y/n in shock as what the slightly shorter said. His eyes shined in appreciation as a small blush covered his cheeks.

"I... I love you too, Y/n. I've always loved you," Hinata returned as he leaned forwards to Y/n's face.

Y/n smiled as closed his eyes as Hinata did the same. Their lips touched as they kissed softly. The kiss was filled with love, sadness, and was very passionate, than any other kiss in the world.

  They wouldn't trade the whole universe to change this moment.

~ 𝔽𝚒𝚗 ~

~ 𝔽𝚒𝚗 ~

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Remember Me || Haikyuu || Karasuno x Male reader || Completed ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now