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  You heard the door of your room open once again

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You heard the door of your room open once again. When you looked away from your window to face the newcomer.

The male was fairly tall with long brown hair that was tied up in a low ponytail. It looked really fashionable for the taller, you liked that.

"Hello, I'm guessing your one of the people I forgotten?" You said in a sad tone.

The taller male reluctantly sat down in the chair next to your bed. He nodded rather nervous to start a conversation. I mean, its not everyday a friend of yours forgotten of your existence, so you understand, unfortunately.

"Tell me about yourself. It might help me with regaining my memories about everyone."

"U-uh, a-ah, I'm █︎█︎█︎█︎█︎ , the ace of Karasuno's volleyball team, and I'm a third-year?" The taller peeped out, extremely nervous and on the brink of crying from what you can guess.

You smiled brightly and comfortingly. Your eyes shined at the mention of ace and the very well know volleyball team.

"Whoa! You're the ace? Than you must be very powerful if you earned that title! No need to be nervous about it, its very amazing that someone so kind could be the ace of the team," you stated with a smile.

The brunette scratched the back of his neck, "I-I'm not that powerful, I can barely even stand up for m-myself," he stuttered.

"Well, maybe you have a friend that's super hyper and loud to be your voice! Your voice is really soft spoken, so having a friend who is loud is perfect for you!"

"A-actually, you were one of those loud people," the older chuckled.

"Really? Tell me more!"

"Well, you and my other friend, who is a Libero, always stand by my side when I need to look tough. It's pretty funny on how loud you two are when someone tried to intimidate me, so much that our captain has to step in sometimes. Heh, you were so hyper it's honestly hard to keep up with you and one of your classmates, but we managed, some how."

You were invested in the taller's story telling, "Tell me more on what I did with you, I want to know," you said with stars in your eyes.

The taller's stance seemed to have relaxed. He seemed to have been tensed during this whole interaction. You smiled a bit more when you have successfully eased this soft giant of an ace.

"Well, I remember how much you loved music," the brunette started.

"Hey, █︎█︎█︎█︎█︎ , you seem tense and tired, are you alright?" Y/n asked the giant that was next to him.

The bus ride to the matches was loud, with almost everyone yelling or talking to one another. But Y/n didn't care, he has always liked life going around him.

"Huh? Oh, yeah, just haven't been getting the best sleep," the brunette stated, "My neighbors keep yelling at each other and its been keeping my up a bit later than what I wanted."

Y/n frowned at this, "Why not take a nap? We still have about two hours let of driving."

The taller chuckled and tired chuckle, "I'm really sensitive with noises when I sleep. I don't think I will be able to sleep with everyone screaming."

Y/n hummed in thought. He picked up his bag and dug through it. The (h/c)-ette took out a small box. When he opened it, there were some Bluetooth earbuds, fresh and new. Y/n smiled at this.

"Here, maybe some music will help you sleep," the (e/c) eyes boy offered, holding the earbuds to the older's hand.

"Ah! No no, I couldn't they're y-yours, and they look brand new too."

"Oh hush, and take them. You need your sleep, you're our ace, we cant be having a sleepy ace on the court," Y/n said as he shoved the earbuds into the larger hands.

The taller just sighed, knowing that he can't argue. Once Y/n made up his mind, its almost impossible to bring him down or stop him.

The brunette carefully put the earbuds in and waited for the younger to start the music. When it did the music was soft and calming. It was loud enough to block out the team's yelling. The ace's eyes began to droop, exhaustion started to take over him.

The ace didn't even have the energy to push away from Y/n when the (h/c)-ette put his head on his shoulder. Needless to say the sleep was really peaceful and something that the taller needed.

"Wow, seemed like I really trusted you," you pointed out.

"Yeah, you trusted everyone on the team, like it was almost scary on how much you trusted us," the taller stated.

You just giggled at this, "Growing up I didn't really trust a lot of people, so it's refreshing to see that I have warmed up to so many amazing people."

"Yeah... they are amazing people..."

"Visiting hours are over, apologizes," the nurse called out.

You sighed, "Well, I hope to see you soon. Please come again," you said as you waved a goodbye.

"I will, I promise. Goodbye," the taller said as he walked to the door, waving.

 Goodbye," the taller said as he walked to the door, waving

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Remember Me || Haikyuu || Karasuno x Male reader || Completed ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now