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  Today was just a regular day of looking out of the window for you

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Today was just a regular day of looking out of the window for you. You see assort of things outside, from buildings and planes to birds and flower petals. But you do wish that there was something else you could do than looking out into the city.

Luckily today was a day another person will visit you, since you heard the door opened and closed.

The male was taller than you with a shaved head. Of course the face was crossed out like it wasn't meant to be there. When the male turned to you, it seemed like he was re-deciding his choices on coming here.

"Hello," you called out in your usually soft voice.

The other male gulped, trying to keep his nervousness down, "H-hey, Y-Y/n."

"Sit down. Tell me about yourself, I think it will help me trigger my memories."

The shaved headed male reluctantly sat down. He clutched his sweater where his heart was. You didn't know why, but you didn't want to pry into it.

"M-My...." the other male took a deep breathe before continuing, "My name is █︎█︎█︎█︎█︎█︎ , I am a wingspiker at Karasuno High, I am a second-year and was one of your best friends." The male's voice seemed to break when he said 'was one', but you understand the situation and didn't say anything.

You smiled at the male, who had his hands in his lap, "That's so cool! You're going to be a third-year soon right? Than you will be the ace! You should be proud with how far you've gotten!"

The older male seemed to have relaxed at your comments. He seemed to have been tensed to talk to you, after this so called incident.

The taller laughed at your enthusiasm, "You're still so uplifting, Y/n!" He said in a cheerful voice.

"Really? Tell me more!"

You looked at him like a child getting a present for the first time in forever. The other male stared at you, too bad you couldn't see his face. But he let out a small chuckle.

"Ah, where do I start? You're always so cheerful and uplifting. When we lost against out first real match against Aoba Joshai and that dickward King, you were there to cheer us all up. It was so amazing to see you smile even though we lost such an important game. You said that a smile is someone's happiness, so I guess that's why you smiled so much when we were in tough situations."

You've always loved to make people happy, for as long as you could remember. But seeing you bring happiness to the people you call friends was something that makes your heart warm.

"Tell me more! We still got some time!" You cheered.

The older male laughed, "Of course!"

"Senpai! Senpai!" Y/n exclaimed as he ran up to the bald male.

"Eh? Y/n? What does my Kohai need from your senpai?" The older male said with a smile.

Y/n bounced on the balls of his feet. He was holding some sort of packet.

"I-I need your help with some studying," the younger stuttered.

The second-year blinked in surpise but then had a disappointed look on his face, "Unfortunately, you came to the wrong senpai for studying..."

"But everyone else has a study partner, and the third-years are too high up for me. Plus they have their own stuff to worry about. The other second-years already have each other and you're the only on left! Please, senpai! I'll help you too! As much as I can I promise!!"

The older's heart seemed to been pierced with love and appreciation as he stumbled forwards. The cuteness from Y/n was suffocating, and adding to him calling him senpai is sending him to the edge. He decided to warn Y/n one last time.

"Are-are you sure? I'm the worst at studying, I can't even focus in class, I-"

"Yes I'm sure!! A hundred precent sure!! It's a 'I help you, you help me' kind of studying. Please, you're the only one I can go to at the moment!!" Y/n interrupted as he bowed 90 degrees.

"GAH!! Alright you win!!" The older gave in, crocodile tears falling from the overload.

Y/n gasped in appreciation, "Thank you senpai! I promise, I won't disappoint!!"

The taller chuckled at the memory, "And on the next quiz, we both got a passing grade! You were really amazing at studying!" He said.

You laughed at the memory, "Well I think you did amazing too, since it's not everyday two dumbasses teach each other."

"Oi! You know you're calling yourself a dumbass too!" The older said, playfully.

"That's the point!"

You both had an amazing laugh with one another. But it died down when the doctor came in the room.

"Visiting hours are over for the day," the doc said.

"Uh, yes sir," the older said awkwardly.

"Please come again, I want to hear more funny stories of our dumbasses," you said with a chuckle.

The taller laughed a bit too, "Hell yeah."


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Remember Me || Haikyuu || Karasuno x Male reader || Completed ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now